[b] Rakata Prime, Lord Reaver [/b] Reaver was gathering recruits for Lady Genitrix when a bumbling Turian bumped into an acolyte but she quickly corrected herself and stood at attention for the dark lord, during this the Turian asked his name to which he replied. "I am known as Darth Reaver around here, I teach these bantha droppings on how to use their sabers." After he said his peace he studied the Turian. His stance said he could hold his own in a fight, he also wasn't from around the temple as he did not show any fear of the dark lord who stood before him. "And who might you be?" He asked. [b] Eraidu, SSgt Lance Brewer [/b] Luckily when Lance asked to join up with this squad he was accepted, the squad proceeded into the factory and soon were in engaged in a firefight with republic forces. So lance did what he did best and took up overwatch and proceeded to pick off men mostly taking out officers and specialists, every incisor sniper rifle fires in a 3 round burst, and each burst found it's way into a target, heads were turned into pink mist, bodies were filled with holes, and just to watch republic troopers suffer he blew off the arms and limbs of their comrades and killed any medic or soldier who went out to retrieve their wounded comrade.