A powerful red dragon like aura was ebbing from Tendra body, he then collosped to his knees and panted as he had drained far too much energy too quickly. As he forced himself to stand he suddenly felt the pain of the beasts attacks on him as fresh wounds came onto his arms and legs. He looked at his wounds with a sigh, before he forced himself to keep moving to return to the temple. Little did he know that from those wound came nothing but a black mist which soon dispersed as the wounds closed up. This was a sigh that Tendra was not something human at the very least. Still he had a part of the heartless that he had trapped in the darkness and he would present it to master when he woke up. He walked to his room and flopped onto his bed going straight to sleep. The next morning: Tendra woke up at the same time he always did, at the crack of dawn when the first ray of dark sunlight came though his window, he stretched out his body and looked in a mirror to see something strange in his eyes, they had changed slightly in the night looking different but he shook his head ignoring it for now as he had more pressing matters to deal with now. He sorted out what he needed to and then went to the throne room knowing his master was already there so he walked in and bowed to his Master "Master, I have something to show you from the beast I fought last night" He said before he snap his fingers and the darkness brought out the lion heartless tail tip which he then presented to Axeus.