Well, I believe we're going with Bleu Chess for this one. While both characters were interesting, the whole premonition thing was a little bit worrying for us as well as the way the sample post went. For one, it sounds like it'd be close to magic in the sense that he can just sense when something bad would happen. Magic is being given on a luck based system. Along with that, the idea that he knows when bad things will happen kind of defeats the purpose of what we want to happen. It's too easy to avoid everything. So we were a bit worried about that. Along with that, the sample post was worrying for the sake that he just knew he had a past life. It was stated that you have odd dreams that you can't piece together easily. So, he wouldn't know that much about the situation. Overall, we were both kind of worried about letting someone like that into the RP. So we're gonna choose Theo for our last slot. Tiger was one of the ones who were accepted privately and there's one more person that we're waiting on who has also already been approved. So once that last one comes in, we can set up a thread and start things.