As Spartan opened the back door to the shop a pirate was running for his life, as Spartan opened the door and stepped in the, pirate slammed into the door and was knocked out cold, Spartan looked down to the guy and shrugged, not really caring for the lowlife but had the curtsy to drag him outside and lean him against the wall before entering into the shop once more to see if he could help, when he got in, it was chaos, there were dead pirates, people fighting, and in general just chaos "and everything's gone to hell, great..." he said to himself mostly as he tried to think on what to do besides standing in the hallway that led to the back exit, when one of the prisoners there asked about an escape plan Spartan grinned slightly "hey guys, back door's open" he said as he pointed a thumb over his shoulder towards the exit [u]Back Alley's[/u] . In the back alley's of the market area Kore-Drax silently made his way towards the docking area he came from, a few moments went by and he exited the alleyway to the dry dock, he looked around and there is was, the ship that brought him and everyone else here in chains, Kore-Drax narrowed his eye's before he began walking towards it. At the docking ramp of the slaver ship stood a [url=]Guard[/url] about seven feet tall, in it's hands was an alien rifle, there were small spots on it that glowed a dirty orange color along it's design, as Kore-Drax approached, the pirate tensed up and slightly tightened his grip on the weapon . "not another step Rakavenclonien, this is a private ship, only the crew and the crews guests are allowed on" the pirate said in an insect bussing tone with some clicking sounds mixed in, Kore-Drax stopped a few feet away, he eye's trained on the pirates . "Heh, more like it's a pirate ship and only the crew and their slaves are allowed on..." Kore-Drax said with a grin under his helmet, the pirate narrowed his eye's and stepped back slightly . "Who are you? what do you want?" asked the pirate, his grip tightening on his weapon, Kore-Drax seen this and curled his hands into fists . "Me? I was but a "guest" upon your privet ship, but when I was escorted out by the crew I forget some personal items that belonged to me, I've simply returned to reclaim them" Kore-Drax said with a dark chuckle as he narrowed his eye's, the pirate stood there for a moment putting together what the being in front of him said, he quietly gulped before he aimed the weapon at Kore-Drax as fast as he could, but before he could pull the trigger Kore-Drax's lower hands grabbed the pirate weapon and jerked it upwards, a shot fly into the air before the pirate began to wrestle for his weapon, while he tried to get it free, Kore-Drax raised his top arms up and put his hands together in a club, then brought them down on the pirates head, a sickening loud crunch rang out as dark green blood splattered onto the floor under the pirate, it's body twitched a few time before collapsing to the floor "you wont be needing this" Kore-Drax said as passed the pirate's weapon to his top hands as he stepped over the dead pirates corpse before he made his way up the docking ramp . [u]Slaver Ship Bridge[/u] In the bridge the [url=]Captain[/url] sat in his chair, in front of him was a dashboard, and on it were multiple bags the size of basket balls full of galactic credits, which were small flat rectangular bars of gold, the Captain grinned to himself as he reached into a bag and pulled out a handful of them, and let them slip through his fingers and fall back into the bag, making a satisfying sound of gold clinking against itself, he sighed as he turned on the comm. to the guard at the ramp "any signs of the crew returning with my credits?" he asked in a course voice, but nothing responded to him "hey! are you listening?! I said is there any signs of the crew?!" he yelled into the comm. to the guard, but nothing still, the captain growled as he got up and went to his monitors "I swear, you'd better be dead or I'm gonna-" as the Captain turned on a monitor and view the docking ramp his eye's widened, there lay his dead guard in a pool of his own blood "-kill you..." the captain said slowly as he grit his teeth, he then punched a button on the dashboard that turned on the comm. systems along throughout the ship "attention everyone still onboard, we possibly have us a trespasser on our ship, and he needs some help finding his way out, please see to it that does... by any means necessary..." the captain said with a hiss as he turned off the comm. system, he then hurriedly gathered up the bags full of credits and took down a large picture of himself that was behind his chair, behind the picture was a vault, he opened it then quickly stashed the credits inside, he put the painting back up and sat n his chair with a sigh of relief, then he turned on the monitors from his chairs control panel on the arm of the chair and watched them intently. . [u]Slaver Ship[/u] though most of the crew had left to deliver the slaves to the market and make sure they got paid, there was still a fair amount of pirates onboard throughout the ship, they were just relaxing like they usually when they reach a port, two pirate in particular were looking over some weapons that they got from the slaves when they captured them, one of the pirates, the smaller of the two was looking over four bladed weapons, two Shock Knives and two Electro Swords, the bigger one was looking at the D.M.M.G, and on a crate behind them was four D.M.H.C's . "huh, those are nice blades, but you might as well sell them, they're useless in a battle..." the big one said, he towered over eight feet tall, the little one only reaching four feet looked up to him with a glare . "say's you, these blades could cut clean through armor and shock anyone who tries to block them" he said in the weapons defense, the big one chuckled . "but you'd have to get close enough to use them, the odds of you reaching an enemy while they're shooting at you is a hundred to one" the big one said as he placed the D.M.M.G down to reach for the D.M.H.C's behind him to find out they were gone "what the?-" was all he managed to say behind a gunshot range out and splattered orange blood over the wall, the small pirate jumped to his feet and dropped the swords and knives before pulling out a small firearm, it didn't do him any good because by the time he had took aim he was filled with hole, he gurgled up dark red blood and fell to the floor with a thud, there stood Kore-Drax, he put the D.M.H.C's in their holsters and put his swords and knives in their sheaths before picking up his D.M.M.G and turning off the safety, as he walked past the corpses he dropped the gun he had picked up from the guard outside. . "that's better" Kore-Drax said to himself as he walked down the hall of the ship heading towards the bridge, he was going to pay a visit to the captain and thank him for the trip, but as he was on his way, he heard a call go out over the comm. system, he couldn't help but grin slightly as he continued towards the bridge. . The captain sat in his chair sipping a drink of some sort for a few minutes, then he heard gunfire coming from somewhere in the ship and he grinned slightly as he took another ship, then he spit the liquid as he look to the monitors in disbelief, what was left of most of the crew were dead, there bodies riddled with holes "what?! there's no way!" he exclaimed as his claws dug into his chairs arms, then he heard a dull metal thud on the door to the bridge, he looked at it suspiciously before he ducked behind his desk, the door then was blasted off it's metal hinges as flames dissipated from behind the door, the captain grabbed under his dashboard and pulled out a shotgun like weapon, when he stood up he aimed at the door, his six eye's locked onto the entrance, his finger on the trigger "I Know Your There! Show Yourself!" the captain exclaimed in anger then he felt the barrel of a gun pressed against his back, his eye's widened slowly before he dropped his weapon and put his hands up "what do you want from me?..." the captain hissed . "what's rightfully mine, and then some, when you captured me you took all the credits I had on me at the time, which was a decent amount, I would have just liked to have what you took from me back, but then you went and tried to sell me to be a slave, so your going to pay for that, ether with your life-" Kore-Drax said as he pressed the gun into the pirate captains back "-or your credits" he said with a grin . "H-how mu-" . "-all of them..." Kore-Drax said sternly, cutting off the captain . "All of Them! Are you Mad!?" the captain exclaimed, then a single gunshot rang out and the captain fell to his knees and yelled in pain as blue blood dripped from a bullet hole in the captains leg . "yes I'm mad, and why wouldn't I be, you abducted me, stole from me, and sold me all on the same day, and now you getting what you deserve, now if you don't mind-" Kore-Drax said as he put the barrel of his gun to the captains chin to lift it up, making the captain look at him "-credits, now" he ordered in a dead serous tone, the captain nodded then pushed himself up and limped over to the painting behind his desk before taking down the painting relieving the vault "that is the most clichéd hiding spot for a vault..." Kore-Drax said in a disappointed tone with his lower arms crossed, the captain narrowed his eye's in annoyance as he entered the combination, which Kore-Drax paid attention to, after a few seconds the code was accepted and the vault opened revealing stacks of credits piled on top of each other . "there... that's everything I have..." the captain said in an angry tone before turning to face Kore-Drax "anything else?" the captain asked rudely . "yeah-" Kore-Drax said as he raised his D.M.M.G and aimed it at the captain "-your in my way" the captains eye's slowly widened in realisation, the bridge was filled with the sound of gunfire as the captain was pelted with bullets, each one going clean through him from point blank range and hitting the back of the vault, just missing the bags of credits, after the gunfire stopped Kore-Drax reloaded his gun and looked to the captain who stood, completely ridded with hole, his body twitched violently before falling forward, hitting the ground with a thud as blue blood pooled around him "that's why you don't mess with a Rakavenclonien..." Kore-Drax said as he put his D.M.M.G under his red cape, it then magnetically locked onto his armor as he let go to close the vault to test the code, surely enough it worked, then he closed it again and locked it "well I think I would call this a happy accident" he said as he picked up the captains body and went through his suit to find keys that would turn on the ship, he then dropped the captain down a garbage shoot to the ship's incinerator before he took a seat on the captains chair to rest, he put both his top hands behind his head while both his lower hands rested on the chairs arms "first chance I get I'm going to scrap this bucket of bolts then get myself a proper ship, I'll have the rest of the credits put into my account for whenever I need them..." Kore-Drax said to himself before he closed his eye's, then it hit him, he looked to the dashboard to find two key holes for the ship, he only had one, which meant there was another, but where, Kore-Drax had completely checked the captain, where could it be?!, then I occurred to Kore-Drax that it could have been a possibility that a trusted crew member had another key, but when he had killed the pirates onboard he searched them as well, which means "the other key is somewhere between here... and the slave shop in the market..." Kore-Drax said in an annoyed tone and he let out a sigh "great..." he said as he rested his head in false defeat "well, whoever has the key will have to make there way here eventually... that is... if they survived the breakout..." he said as he got up from the chair, he looked at the key in his hand then put inside a compartment in his armor before he began to make his way off the ship, throwing bodies into garbage shoots that led to the incinerator on his way out