There was a commotion in the village as the crowd gathered in the square. Their eyes were fixed on the villa at the top of the hill overlooking the village. Though the harsh sounds coming down from the villa had been raging since just after midnight, it was only until well after the sun rose that their fear finally lessened enough to be overpowered by curiosity. They stared at the villa, the light reflecting off its walls of glass. There were shrieks and roars, and many noises that were impossible to identify. The one sound that was clear was the occasional sound of shattering glass. What could possibly be going on in the home of that demon, the master of the town. Deep within the hill a warrior was racing down a long corridor made of glass. He roared beneath the dark blue hood as he chased the yellow mist only a few feet ahead of him. It cackled and shrieked, projecting fireballs and raising walls of glass as it tried to get out of his reach. It was quickly approaching a mirror at the end of the corridor. The warrior braced himself as he knocked another fireball out of his way with his staff. The fireball was deflected and dissipated as it hit the glass. He could already see himself in the mirror through the haze and its reflection. As the mist reached the mirror, it quickly solidified into the shape of a large yellow bird that flew through the mirror. The warrior grunted and ran faster, diving through the mirror right after the demon. He felt his stomach lurch as he came out of a mirror in an entirely separate part of the glass villa's multiple basements. He skidded to a halt and immediately turned to face the mirror he had just existed. A hint of a smirk crept across his face as he swung his staff. The sound of a tiny giggle rang out from the mirror followed by a loud shattering as the fell. That was the last one... or at least he thought it was the last one, which was good enough. Turning swiftly he continued the chase, running at yellow haze. It approached another mirror, changing into a bird once more. Only when it entered the mirror this time, it stayed. The creature flapped around within the frame of the mirror, continuously shifting between mist and bird from but it could not escape. The warrior walked up with a smirk on his face. He removed his wolf's head hood which he had definitely been wearing throughout the battle and following chase. His hair and bare chest were drenched in sweat. The battle hadn't been [i]that[/i] strenuous, but it made for a cooler image. He raised his right hand to the mirror,the glove dematerializing as he did so. "Now I can destroy the evil that has plagued this land for too long." He plunged his hand into the surface of the mirror and grabbed the yellow bird by the crest. The rapidly shrinking yellow bird had a single blood red feather at the back of its crest, he plucked it off and the bird unravelled like a sweater. The warrior removed his hand from the mirror and tucked the feather into his satchel. There was the same giggling sound he'd heard after breaking each mirror, and then a deafening cacophony as the entire villa shattered. A few moments later, the warrior stepped out of the wreckage, miraculously unharmed by and of the billions of glass shards around him. The only sign that he had even been involved in any of the previous night's events was a single cut across his left cheek put there by the bird's talons. As he stood there, he caught sight of a few of the men from the village walking up the hill. "You did it!" they cheered. "You killed the demon!" He gave a grim smile as they ran up and knelt before him. "How can we ever repay you for freeing us from the evil?" "Free you?" he asked. "I've done no such thing. The evil that terrorizes our land was not that demon. In fact, its presence here has been the only thing keeping your village safe. No, so far I have only succeeded in luring out the evil. In fact, here it comes." He pointed out to the horizon where what seemed like a second sun was rising. It was a large ball of white fire speeding towards them. Everything before the fire melted away into a black liquid which fell behind ball of fire. The liquid itself was forming an enormous inky black wave darker than night itself. The men of the village turned white with fear at the sight of the approaching doom. Of course that wave wasn't the evil, Lucas decided. No, that was just him waking up. That must be it. Yes that seemed appropriate. The light of waking up, the world melting away. It only made sense. Ah, there it was the light. Lucas sat up in bed, stretching his arms. He got out of bed, knocking the book he had fallen asleep reading to the floor. He stepped over the books and toys and clothes strewn about the floor making his way to the door to his bathroom. That had been quite an adventure last night, but now it was time to prepare for his real life adventures. This world had plenty of mountains to climb and demons to face. 10/4/14 6:55 AM