Yvette looked at Jhett and blushed heavily before laughing a bit. [b]”No, I don’t think so, Jhett,”[/b] she smiled, reaching out and running her fingers through his hair lightly, and pressing just a little to indicate she wanted him to stay laying on the beach. [b]”Angel did get you stitched up though and…”[/b] she was suddenly cut off by a voice. She looked behind her to see a girl running towards them, and suddenly Yvette’s smile got even bigger. [b]”It’s Brooke!”[/b] she told Angel and Jhett, not knowing if they knew her or not, but just excited. [b]”Brooke!”[/b] she shouted, smiling down at Jhett and then at Angel one more time before getting up and running to her friend she’d thought had surely died. When they met she hugged her tight. [b]”Oh my god I thought you were dead,”[/b] Yvette breathed, pulling back in disbelief, so thankful for someone else she knew to have survived.