Name: Matt Angello Age:14 Gender: Dude Species: Nephilim Appearance: Brown curly hair and eyes, pale, tall, brown short sleeve, baggy blue jeans, grey beanie, glasses, white long sleeve, grey shoes. Personality: His jerky and arrogant human side hides a deep care for close friends. He finds passions quickly and dumps them quickly too. He's bored often, and likes to hit things. He often rushes into situations without thinking, and is very impulsive. Witty, and knows lots of useless things. Likes video games, fighting, and alternative rock. dislikes school, strangers, and people who claim to be better than him. Bio: Matt was raised in a household of an angel and a human. As such he was a bit of an outcast. He also believed his angelic side made him better than most. He inherited the "Magic Marker" which tapped into the inherent magical powers coursing through his veins. He draws on his skin to enchant himself, giving himself the ability to shoot lightning, or encase his body in a flexible, hard metal and other such things. He died at 13, due to a school fight becoming way out of hand, and his enemy pulling out a knife. He was sent to purgatory after dying on the way to the hospital. He never matured, because after a year of no interaction he was sucked into another universe by a strange portal. [I have a super-awful image if that's better than the short description]