*Inspired by Disney's Tower of Terror* Claira Blair Foster. She was beautiful, smart, talented. Everyone loved her. She started out as an outcast with nothing to her name and very quickly became the person everyone around the world adored. When she was sixteen she started traveling around and playing music in different places. Everyone fell head over heels with her and fought for tickets to see her. She was the new thing and all focus was on her, making quite a few other artists and some people close to her sour and jealous, though none of them let on about it. On September the first, 1994, she was assigned to play at a very large and surprising high class hotel, which normally didn't happen for her(she normally played for younger ad more upbeat crowds. But, she never ones to turn down a show and accepted, coming to the hotel in high spirits. The band set up their things, played a couple of songs and people were enjoying themselves. While the band played a little, she mingled, saying hello to the people there and sipping on a drink until she was called up to the stage to perform. She walked up the stairs, to the microphone, and the crowd seemed very interested to hear her sing. It was turning out to be a very good night for her. Until the chandelier fell. The chandelier fell from the ceiling, killing the twenty year old star in her prime. Through out the next year many strange things happened at that hotel. Music started playing from no where, lights would flicker. And more shockingly, anytime they tried to hang a new chandelier it would either fall within the next day, or be broken into pieces where it hung. Finally falling into the belief that the hotel was haunted by the beautiful star that died there, the hotel shut down not even two years after the incident. Now, twenty years later a young man, greatly inspired by the american sweet heart that died, wants to go see the last place that their favorite star before the hotel is torn down. So, he goes to the rundown and scary hotel, only to find that maybe the young woman might still be there, looking for something that might entertain her in her never ending life after death, and maybe even a way out of her dim and ghostly prison. ---------------------------------------- My rules are: -You must post at least once a day unless I am other wise told about a trip you are taking, work, or school. In other words, a valid reason. -You must post at least two paragraphs per character, though more is preferred. -Please have good grammar. This will be High Cas. to Low Adv. so you know how you should be as far as grammar. -I am looking for a male character on this one. -I prefer my partners to be ages 18 and over due to violence and suggestive possible suggestive themes. I don't do pure smut, but I don't mind a mature scene or two. Just as long as it doesn't consume the whole rp. Just keep that in mind. If you don't do mature scenes, then let me know in your first pm to me so I know to fade to black if a time like that ever comes. -PM me if you are interested with the answers to these questions below: [I]Are you 18 and over? Are you okay with one or two mature scenes, or would you rather fade to black? Pm or thread? Any suggestions for the plot? May I have a sample post(put it below the questions)? Do you have any questions for me? [/I]