[CENTER][IMG]http://i.imgur.com/nKX5BUW.png[/IMG] [B]The Fundamental Law of the Kingdom of Tataria[/B] Основной Закон Koролевство Татарии Съ нами Богъ - Боже, Царя храни God is with Us - God Save the Tsar[/CENTER] [B]Article One[/B] The Kingdom of Tataria is henceforth to be considered in a [I]real union[/I] with the Russian Empire, with the Imperial dignity of Tataria resting within the Russian Crown. The Russian Tsar/Tsarina is to be addressed in a Tartarian context as [I]His/Her Imperial Majesty, by the Grace of God, Tsar of Tataria[/I]. [B]Article Two[/B] The Crown is to appoint a First Minister as head of government, invested with the powers delegated to him by the Crown. [B]Article Three[/B] The First Minister, with the consent of the Crown, is to appoint a Governing Council to assist him in his duties and in the obligations of the state, [B]Article Four[/B] The powers of defence and foreign relations are to be reserved to the Russian Imperial Government, to be exercised on Tataria's behalf. Enacted into law in the Eighth year of His Imperial Majesty's reign; Yevgeni Ivanovich Alekseyev OCC etc [I]Imperial Viceroy of Tartaria and the Far East[/I] [CENTER]---[/CENTER] From Harbin, Addressed respectfully to His Excellency Vladimir Lamsdorf, Foreign Minister of the Russian Empire. Excellency; The statement from Japan is most concerning, if not expected, and I hope a statement from St Petersburg will be forthcoming. I assure you that I, and the Russian endeavour here in Tataria, has the complete confidence of the Tsar. Yours, Yevgeni Ivanovich Alekseyev OCC etc [I]Imperial Viceroy of Tartaria and the Far East[/I]