The moon held high in the sky, the radiance from its iridescent beams giving them a clear path to his small Honda. He held her hand tightly, his fingers entwined with hers in an effort to keep her beside him and yet she seemed to have no trouble with his pace. His head turned slightly at the sound of her voice, her own show of other-worldliness giving him a sign of relief that perhaps not all was as it appeared to be. Her voice was soft and yet held conviction - a strength that reminded him that if he hadn't have been there - this girl would've still come out on top. She was something different than him and yet the comfort he received in touching her skin said that she was the same in some matter and form. "I'm Arch, and I just get funny feelings every once in a while. Tonight was one of those nights." He stopped at the car and unlocked it, looking over his shoulder for her friend, "Your ghost coming with us or can he transport?" He didn't explain how he could see the figure, but was sure it would come up. Truth be known he really couldn't see the once alive man, but a mere outline of humanity and only once his emotions spun into high alert during her attack. She was beautiful and he tried as best he could to ignore that fact, knowing that once he got her to safety he'd want to help her figure out who those men... or things were and then he'd be out of her life. Friendships were costly and no one ever remaining breathing if they hung out with him too long.