Niko watched in dumbfounded awe as the Psycho sliced the bottle of medicine in half. friggin [i]seriously?[/i] Psychos weren't usually a problem for Niko because headshots are a marvelous way to prevent grievous bodily harm at the hands of a buzzaxe. But this time, he needed a psycho with it's head more or less intact. This was going to be trickier than he had originally planned. Thats when the Psycho reached back and put his hand on a weapon of obscene proportions. Who could possibly need something as clumsy as that giant thing? But still, that psycho had bullet wounds, and bullet wounds meant guns, and guns meant people who should more or less where cities are. Even bandits should have a general understanding of the land around. Thinking to himself 'I'm sure bandits would be happy to help me! I mean, sure i might have to soften them up a bit first. But really who doesn't enjoy a good shootout every now and again.' But still, there was the issue of the psycho to deal with before they even got to the fun part. Again in thought: 'Okay, how to convince the crazy person i'm not trying to explodify everything and that he should totes help me out of the forest? Man, maybe if i act crazy and say a bunch of insane shit. Nah, that would probably just piss him off. Be hilarious tho- goddamnit focus on the problem at hand Niko' To anyone else, Niko fiddles with the volume knob on his echodevice lost in thought for a few seconds, he then violently shakes his head and refocuses on the psycho at hand. "Hey, Jerkface, thats for your wounds so you're not gushing blood all over the place! Im trying to help you, if i wanted you dead i'd just put a round between your eyes!" then in an undertone to his lizard "damnit, the nutcase probably doesn't have an idea what im saying." He pauses with his head cocked to the side for a second, then his eyes brighten and in a louder voice he says "hey not a bad idea! YOU GIANT BUZZFACE! THATS MAGIC CAPSULE OF GOOD FEEL GEL! PUT IN BOOBOO" he pauses to observe what he has wrought.