*This is my first rp :c Please be kind, and guide me along the way :D Name: Dr. Thorne Rauss Age: 21 Gender: Female Appearance: [hider="Face Please"][img]http://www.polyvore.com/cgi/img-thing?.out=jpg&size=l&tid=3370828[/img][/hider] Past hunter?: "Hunter? I've only read a few notions about them." (In other words, nope) Relationships: Had a boyfriend named Chriss. Chriss used her money to get other girls, and when Thorne found out, she gave him the boot. Personality: Thorne is quite cheerful, happy-go-lucky, and open-minded despite the problems she had faced. She has developed a 'forget and forgive' mentality, and is quite quick to forgive people. Her trust is another story, and in other words, she finds it hard to trust others because of what Chriss had done to her. This means that Thorne might be easy to get along with, but gaining her trust is considered harder than a dissertation. Due to her intelligence, Thorne is quite sharp and knowledgeable in some aspects although physical labor is a no-go with her. She has a fascination towards the paranormal which shouldn't be surprising considering her PhD is in Metaphysics, specializing in Paranormal Science. When introducing herself, Thorne would often address herself as a 'Dr.', not because she's snotty or prideful, but because achieving her doctorate was the only memory she had that kept her heart from breaking into a thousand pieces when Chriss left her. Bio: Thorne was a child-prodigy who was born to a marginalized family. Being the middle child out of thirteen siblings gave her no purpose, nothing to fight for. She was quite dull, not because she was an idiot, but because nothing was challenging her. She breezed through any test that elementary, middle school, and highschool gave her. However, her parents didn't give much encouragement nor affirmations for her. Although she was seen as a strong person, she secretly yearned for praise and acknowledgement, and these depravities caused her downfall in the form of Chriss, the most popular guy in her batch. They first met during a field trip where Thorne was so fascinated by the campfire horror story that she blurted out her own findings when it comes to the supernatural. Before that, why supernatural? It was the only thing that challenged Thorne's logic and intellect; the paranormal was something she couldn't easily comprehend, and as such, she took a liking to it. Going back to Thorne's story, many sneered at her opinions which made her lose a lot of confidence, and that was when Chriss came into her life by appreciating her knowledge. No diploma, no perfect exam, no cookie, and no parental word matched to how Chriss acknowledged and praised Thorne to pursue her interest. Her mind was filled with nothing but Chriss, Chriss, Chriss, and breathing (maybe eating as well). These thoughts were increased when Chriss asked her out, and she gave her sweetest 'Yes'. She was so encouraged by Chriss that she immediately finished her Masters in Metaphysics, and immediately went for a PhD in the same field of knowledge. She worked as a paranormal researcher at an institute. There, Chriss began to ask money from her. However, her naive mind thought nothing of this, and quickly gave whatever Chriss wanted; after all, he was the one who gave her a purpose in living. It was on Christmas that Thorne decided to visit Chriss at his house, although, she received a text from Chriss to not go to his house because he would be busy with thesis. Thorne thought that the best way to boost a morale when it comes to thesis was through a surprise from a girlfriend. She went to Chriss' house unannounced, and when she opened the door (it was unlocked) she saw a sight that shattered whatever dissertation she was working on back then. Many might already guess what it was, but long story short, Thorne left the house with a smile on her face, and a dent on her cardiovascular system. She arrived at her house, sunken and sullen. However, she was only a few months before graduating, and as such, she used her raging emotions to write her dissertation, this time, on how the paranormal creature, a succubus, could affect how men would perceive love. In the end, she received her PhD with flying colors. However, she was face with a daunting question: 'Now what?' Thorne decided to work again for the same research institution, and she stayed there for a few months... That was until, she was abducted by god knows who. These following experiences will give Thorne a glimpse of the fact that her research didn't just live on paper, but rather, upon the very earth that she walked upon. Other: "Well crap." Dr. Thorne's reaction upon seeing Chriss with another woman on top of him.