[hider=Audrunar Fridtjof][b]Full name:[/b] Audrunar Fridtjof [b]Sex:[/b] Male [b]Age:[/b] 20 --- [b]Appearance:[/b] Audrunar is an average sized man, standing at about 6'2. He is well built, but not overly muscled. He has the kind of muscles you expect from someone who works hard. He's somewhat broad chested, making him appear somewhat more buff, but nothing too noticeable. Furthermore he is average in most aspects of his body. Besides that, the paleness one expects from a northerner is present in his face as well and he has great pride over it. His hair is clean shaven on the sides, both left and right. On top, it's long and held down towards the back in a ponytail. His hair is blonde, sitting between dark and light blonde. [b]Clothing or armour:[/b] Whenever he is relaxing, he wears his dark blue tunic with burgundy trimming. It's a very simple tunic, and has been worn for a long time, so there's bits and pieces of grime on it that cannot be washed out anymore. Besides that it's well maintained as the women in the group made sure to adress any issues with Audrunars clothes. Underneath that he'd wear some simple leather pants, held up by a belt with a belt buckle depicting Donars hammer. In day to day life this set is augmented by a light leather breastpiece, as was the standard in these times. The breastpiece is a leather vest of sorts. The sleeves on it are not leather, but the part that goes over the chest is. The sleeves are about elbow length, and end wide to allow for easier movement. [b]Facial features:[/b] Audrunar has the classic northerner features of being blonde with blue eyes. In any other aspect, he is very average. His cheeks have fallen in due to the somewhat light diet they had to face during the trek home. Audrunar himself is quite fond of this new feature. His chin is pointy, but it is covered up by a small pointy beard, blonde in color as his hair. His jaw line is also very average, not very straight nor bendy in feature and it deserves no special notion from any kind of woman. [b]Weapons and equipment:[/b] Audrunar has an axe on his hip, strapped in with some leather to his belt so he can access it easily. Besides that he wields a medium sized shield. Besides that he also has some stuff less fitted for combat, such as his seax (knife), a hunting spear/javelin and a bigger but more unwieldy axe for chopping/splitting wood. Due to the lack of time to gather his items, he really has no personal objects with him, or anything else. [b]Personality:[/b] Audrunar is not an introvert, but holds a strong believe that anyone who is interested in his ideas and opinions can ask for them. Therefore, he doesn't go out and openly speaks about his ideas with anyone in a general fashion. He likes to stick to himself, but understands the necessity for brother and sistership in times like these, as he was always taught so by the people in his warband. When problems arise, and things are opposite from what Audrunar wants to see happen, he will get very angry, and if the situation stays the same long enough he is capable of using violence to force the issue - otherwise he is quite alright with the way things go and prefers to make the best out of any situation they will get stuck in. This means he can be both calm and very angry and violent when the need arises. Audrunar feels strongly that there is a natural hierarchy in any group and that he is most likely not the one supposed to be at the head of the group - therefore he accepted his fate as a follower and not a leader. This doesn't mean he's afraid of speaking his mind but he simply accepts there is other ways for him to exert influence than simple leadership. Audrunar also strongly believes that any individual should first and foremost be capable of taking care of themselves and their needs, and once that's done that you should help others. Therefore he hates leeches with a strong hate. He doesn't care if others leech off of others, and will simply laugh at the stupidity of the ones being leeched on for not noticing. But anyone leeching off of him is in for trouble. Besides that bravery is important for him, he intends to make his way from midgard into Valhalla and is convinced that for that he needs to show bravery in any sense possible. To his personality, this translates to a trait best described as ''never back down'' as he would never say he was wrong, even if it is so clear that he was. [b]History:[/b] Audrunar was born to a farmer called Leifdur and his wife, who shall remain nameless as she is of no importance. Due to Leifdur being a relatively well off farmer, Audrunar was spending most of his days playing with friends, pretending to be strong Viking raiders entering battles with other Vikings (their other friends). Whenever he had to do labour, it was hard labour (for a child) such as chopping wood, hauling logs for Leifdur's friends as a chore, whatever his father told him to do basically. This wasn't brutal, it was just the way things went. The gods always played an important role in Leifdurs life, so naturally this was brought over into Audrunars life. He learned that everything you did was judged by the Gods, so importantly you would make sure to do the right thing, show bravery, be kind to your kinmen, etcetera. When he came of age his father said to him “Audrunar, I have many sons capable of being farmers, and all of them are capable to run my estate for me after I grow old. But none of them can bring honor to my name, none but you.” It was pretty clear that all of Audrunars brothers were capable farmers, but not so much honorable warriors. Sure, they may be able to throw a stone or stab with a spear, but that doesn't define a warrior. As he was the eldest, he was sent to join a nearby village's warband. Two summers later his father died and his brother, Leifsson, took over the farm. He hasn't heard from them since. It was time well spent, and though they did not raid much, they drank much. Because of the current lay-still of the warbands raiding activities due to a lack of willing men to fight Audrunar mostly spent his time helping out around the village. This gave him some skills in some mandatory tasks but nothing too fancy. Things such as hammering on a board to hammer a nail in were things he could do. The first time he got sent on a raiding trip was also the last, as after this he got exiled from the village. During the raid he was somewhere in the center of the group, but he claims he couldn't get a clear view on what happened. He just remembers there was a lot of arrows flying overhead, and that once he got to lower his shield everyone was dead. --- [b]Combat skills:[/b] Audrunar knows how to swing an axe, hold a shield and use them both in tandem effectively. This gives him a very basic level of soldiery, but he knows more than the average militiaman. He is agile and brutal enough to hold fast in combat in one on one combat, and has the tactical skills to succeed in doing his part in group battles, however he is also not very well trained in real combat and as such his reflexes are not up to par to deal with getting unlucky every time. Compared to a militia man he is a good fighter, compared to a seasoned raider he is just merely a nuisance. [b]Other skills:[/b] He is all-rounded and can do some basic tasks such as chopping wood, sawing boards, making firewood, starting a fire and other such ''survival'' required tasks. He is very interested in learning how to hunt and trap, but hasn't yet got the skills to do any of that. Besides this he has no real skills.[/hider] There we go. Not really as good as I had hoped, but it'll do.