While Danny was surprised that Lorre seemed to understand Dutch, he didn't get an opportunity to ask how or why. "So what are the other humans like?" Rather than admit that he had no idea he decided to simply introduce the Loromon to the others. "Why don't EI just shoow you." Careful not to accidentally hurt one of the affectionate Tanemon Danny set out looking for another Digidestined, with the bird Digimon flying next to him at shoulder height. As the two walked around the tiny village Danny quickly realized Lorre was type that constantly asked questions and that he was very curious about the human world, and since he didn't want to seem rude he tried his best to explain it to his new partner. " ......some animalz do lay egg but most don't." Luckily for him they ran in to one of the other Digidestined and their new partner. Immediately Lorre excitedly flew over to them landing next to his Digimon friend and introducing himself to the unknown human." Hi, I'm Lorre the Loromon, Danny's partner."