He hummed hearing her say about her father and how they could work together. Work together, Humhum thought what could they offer the mermaid folk? After a bit a few ideas came to him. One of those were quite sweet idea. ''Have you ever tried the little red or blue berries? We harpy like them to eat as they are really sweet, they grow high on the cliffs inner side....I could pick them for you. '' He offered smiling, seeing her move closer to him. So in return he moved a bit closer to her. Now his feathery arms brushed over her skin as they sat there. He didnt mind it. He enjoyed the company and silently wanted it to last for a very long time. ''We consider it rude to talk about oneself when not asked to..but I will allow this myself as I want to tell you more about us. '' He hummed a happy tune before he continued. ''There are two things that are important in out lifes. Two so to say fests. The annual fest of love. Where the harpy that courted each other for days weeks mount or even years decide to make eggs together. In those 10 days the fest last, most eggs get lay. So most children hatch around the same time too. Growing up together and when the times comes to all together make their first leap off the cliff flying for the first time. The other is happening every four years, when the one who sing the strongest and greatest becomes the leader. Their voice is what the colony does. And the colony sings when there are meetings about our problems and wishes. What the leader hears form the singing of everyone is what he accepts or decide about.'' He explained with a silent fire in his eyes. Wondering how it all sounded to her. And wondering if her folk had something like that? A fest where the...he stopped wondering how mermaids get their babies. He will have to ask her that at one moment he noted.