Boom. [hider=Jonrik] [b]Full name:[/b] Jonrik Teduin [b]Sex:[/b] M [b]Age:[/b] 23 [img=] [b]Appearance:[/b] Jonrik is surprising lithe for his profession as a blacksmith, but his muscles are hard and defined across his whole upper body. He carries little personal items with him. [b]Clothing/Armor:[/b] Mostly, Jonrik wears loose, light clothing under an apron when he works. When he's not working, he merely looses the apron. Jonrik does own a shirt of mail armor, and has metal gauntlets and a helmet, all self-made. [b]Facial features:[/b] Jonrik has a nice face, with no feature too large or small. He has dark blue eyes and long brown hair that he keeps in a low ponytail. He has a small amount of facial hair around his mouth. [b]Weapons and equipment:[/b] Jonrik wields a large woodsman's ax apt for a man of his strength. [b]Personality:[/b] Jonrik is a practical man, but not unfriendly. He spends most of his time working, during which he does not like to be disturbed, even by Alva. He keeps to a task until it is finished and is annoyed by laziness. When he's not working, Jonrik is congenial and friendly. He'll go have a drink with his fellow man, or help out someone in need, because all around Jonrik is a good guy. He believes in the importance of community and is a bit of a patriot for his fellow people. He can talk to nearly anyone and is normally agreeable, enough so that he can talk other men down from anger before things get out of hand. [b]History:[/b] Jonrik was born to a couple not very worthy of note. Through his young childhood, he worked on his fathers farm a few miles away from the nearest town. However, that farm was taken over by raiders one night, and Jonrik escaped and ran for his life. Eventually, he made it to the next town. He was found by a large woman and her daughter on the outskirts of town and the woman brought him home. Having not given her husband a son yet, they decided to keep the boy. The man that was the red-headed woman's husband was the blacksmith of the town, and took Jonrik under his wing as an apprentice. At the age of six, he was in his prime to start learning a trade. Jonrik grew up under the man's teachings and became a talented blacksmith and eventually married his daughter Alva. Jonrik did not join any raiding party because he wanted destruction, but because he felt a duty to his people that he had to at least contribute something to its militant forces. Jonrik has been on a few successful raiding parties, but before he did anything of note he was caught up in the missing raiding party. He and Alva, having both been on the raid, were knocked out in the beginning of the fight and have no recollection of what happened. [b]Combat skills:[/b] Jonrik can use his ax efficiently enough to keep himself and his wife alive in battle, although he has little in the way of defense. Jonrik is physically strong, especially his hands, and can grapple without a weapon and use his strength effectively. [b]Other skills:[/b] Smithing, grappling, stamina, hunting, negotiating. [b]Additional info:[/b] Not much.[/hider] [hider=Alva] [b]Full name:[/b] Alva Teduin [b]Sex:[/b] F [b]Age:[/b] 19 [img=] [b]Appearance:[/b] Alva is a medium sized woman with feminine proportions. Her hands are small and calloused from her work with leather. [b]Clothing/Armor:[/b] Alva wears mostly cloth dresses, but unlike the average woman also has leather over-clothes for when she is outside. She has a leather vest, arm wrappings, and leggings, all self-made. [b]Facial features:[/b] Alva has soft features that could be called pretty, with long blonde hair she keeps in two side braids. Alva has bright blue eyes. [b]Weapons and equipment:[/b] Alva carries her skinning knife with her at all times. When she feels the need, she has a short-sword, made by her husband, that she knows how to wield. Alva, as the woman, carries all of her and Jonrik's equipment. She has a large pack that has their basic survival items in it (which they would've known to take before a raid). Alva also carries a heavier pack that holds Jonrik's smithy tools, like small hammers, metal and leather scraps, pliers and tongs, gloves, and other various things that he might need to do repairs. This bag also holds some of Alva's leather-working tools like scrapers, broken-down frames for drying, various bowls and smoking and tanning supplies. Alav also carriers Jonrik's hunting spears. [b]Personality:[/b] Alva is courteous and respectful around men as all women should be. She is not a quiet woman, being known to speak her opinion, but that is because Alva is smart. She is one to take charge among women, but that's because she usually knows how to manage resources effectively. She and Jonrik do love each other but she is the only one to show it. She's kindhearted, but not naive. She's polite, but not foolish. Alva is an all-over well-rounded woman. She doesn't have a temper but she does tire of foolishness easily. [b]History:[/b] Not much has happened to Alva in her short life. When she was young, Jonrik came to live with their family, but she didn't have much interaction with him until they were older. Alva spent most of her childhood learning how to work with leather and cloth. She knows how to cure it in different ways, how to color it (even how to bleach it), and knows generally how to make clothes and armor out of leather, as well as leather pieces for armor and other miscellaneous uses. Alva, given the right equipment, can also make cloth and other simpler clothing. She also learned general home-making skills. When she was of age, after having fallen in love with him, Alva married Jonrik and the two basically took over her parents' shop. She did not want to go away with Jonrik. but it is often the woman's responsibility to cart around her husband's supplies and rewards. It is not uncommon for woman to be soldiers, and she trained with the sword as to not be a burden when the time came for battle. During their last raid, Alva was beside Jonrik and was also knocked unconscious before she knew what had happened. [b]Combat skills:[/b] Alva can use a short sword, but she has no formal training, Whereas Jonrik had been trained when he starting raiding, he gave Alva some pointers but no specific instruction. In battle, Alva stays close to Jonrik for both of their protections: she normally watches his flanks and back while he cuts down anyone facing him. [b]Other skills:[/b] Cooking, cleaning, spinning and weaving, leather working (curing, stretching, drying, smoking, dyeing, shaping, ect), sewing, cooking, cleaning, basic herbal medicine (which most women had some knowledge of in these times, having no doctors to call), child rearing, animal dissection and processing, gathering natural food. [b]Additional info:[/b] (I'm not sure if I want to make her pregnant for a plot device but ill leave it for now) [/hider]