[i][center]Esyllt Boudica Amazons - The Greatest Hunt [/center][/i] --- As called, Esyllt stepped forward. The familiarity with which the princess took her hand was puzzling, but soon she knew contact would be the name of the game. Even so, it seemed not all the amazons were obedient of their royal house, two of them going as far as to reject the princess' authority. What in the world was this kind of display, Esyllt wondered, to defy their princess so openly... Regardless, she walked up to the line to meet the first amazon warrior; a woman taller than she was and openly baring her scars. Esyllt steeled herself not to focus on the scars and requested the woman's hand. Once locked, Esyllt's eyes closed, as she zones out her last thoughts before diving into the warrior's mind. The sensation was not new, but ever so unusual. The woman's thoughts echoed in Esyllt's head, from weak whispers gradually growing to a buzz of voices and feelings. Esyllt could feel how the amazon was torn between pride of her people and respect for the royal line and fear of the princess' lack of strength as a leader. Esyllt could tell that, the same moments she noticed this, the amazon warrior grew more nervous, showing in all three her thoughts, expression and grip within a matter of seconds... Esyllt couldn't blame the woman's reaction to the invasive method she applied, but at the very least, it was proof she was not a demon... “Your spirit is commendable.” Esyllt spoke as she let go of the warrior's hand and opened her eyes. This seemed to relax the amazon woman somewhat, even if that was hardly the sort of feeling Esyllt had searched for. The diving process rarely left anyone comfortable, so feigning her perceptive abilities to be weaker was Esyllt's way leaving their minds more at ease... Esyllt repeated the same process with the second amazon, but once again she could find no killing intent or demonic influence. [I]“Neither warrior seems to harbour a demon.”[/i] She spoke telepathically to the princess and Queen's Blades. [I]“If you would ask the others to step forward, your majesty, I hope we will be able to narrow down the suspects.”[/i]