[i]Sant'Angelo Romano, Latium District, Province of Rome[/i] A warm, sunny day in Central Italy. It's not quite as pretty as some movies put it, as it is the modern day after all. But there are something that never change. There is crime, there is misery and sometimes death. The sounds of horns honking, people talking, drown out the sound of something shattering. Down a side street, one of those slightly cliche ones, covered street to street in small curio shops and other places to buy the kind of trinkets and little souvenirs that tourists to the ancient country of Italy just gobble up. It's a nice idyllic little area. And off the main throughfare abit so it's not like everyone knows where it is, but only the most wily and brave tourist or curio seeker can track it down. But it's in this very place that sometimes, things that aren't talked about happen. This is where the sound of something shattering comes from yet again. Within one of these shops is a view of carnage. the shopkeeper is huddled down behind his store counter, gripping a small billy club as if it's his very soul. He gazes up at the being who has caused all this chaos. A tall man, shoulder length straight black hair. An angular but very handsome face. Large shoulders, powerful arms, body hands and legs stands in the middle of the swath of destruction. The man wears a 3 piece professionally made suit. Three button up the front in dark silver, with a black suit shirt under it and dark silver trousers with beautiful wingtip leather shoes on his feet. He's handsome, big, powerful. Could be some business man in another life that happened to have a little tiff about something, or was defending the shop from something. But the big steel bat swung over one shoulder says that's not the case. The big man sniffs, and wipes the corner of his mouth on a handkerchief. He then smiles at the shopkeeper, "The old ways are the best ways. So I'm going to run the idea by you again. My boss, Don Vitalio runs this area. You're new, so he gave you a few months leeway, but when you didn't start paying like everyone else he needed to let you know." The big man walked slowly over to one of the last remaining vases in the store. It's a beautiful thing and likely the only real artifact in the entire shop. The big man, one Domenico Tornatore, reaches out with his bat and pushes against the vase, "We can protect you in the future. And we'll even help you get back on your feet after this. But only if you agree to pay up for our...protection." The big man smiles, pushing the vase a little further, so it's just on the safe side of falling to the floor and becoming just more of that carnage on the floor. The big man smiles at the shopkeeper, "What do you say?" ----- A few hours later sees Domenico coming out of a villa situated overlooking the town of Sant'Angelo Romano, the home of Don Nico Vitalio. Having given the Don the respect he deserves and the first payment from the curio shop, he was leaving and instructing some of the mademen of the organization to head over to the shop later and help clean up, and to help the owner replace all the stuff that had to be broken. He'd also given the mademen a wad of cash to be given to the shopkeeper, a small indication of how the mafia could help him in times of need, it'd help to get the man a better inventory. Domenico got into a waiting car. And the car rolled off heading to the big man's private villa about 4 hours away in the country side of Lazio district. Once there he is met by his staff. Housekeepers, his cook who scampered off to make his employer a late lunch some nice creamy tomato soup and a few grilled cheese sandwiches as well as a nice pitcher of sweet tea. His butler though gets a little more attention, as his butler catches him as he's heading for his office. The butler clears his throat, "Uh sir, you have an urgent message." Domenico turns to look at him, "Who is it Lawry?" The butler extends a note, "Scimitar sir. Your handler called while you were out. Apparently they lost a heavy, and wanted to call you back into active duty." Domenico hrmed, reading over the note, "Interesting. And they left a number. Thank you Lawry, I'll see to this. Call the Commission for me, let them know I'll be out of touch for abit. And to give any jobs they might need me to do, to Bertrand if they like, just a suggestion, who am I to tell the Commission what to do." He then headed into his office, walked over to his phone, and dialed the number on the note. Getting a Scimitar rep, who then put him through to the current squad lead of the group, one Imran. Domenico smiled as he spoke into the phone, "Imran? You're still squad leader? I'm surprised. This is Domenico. When do you need me?"