#9 Marcus makes his way back to the group, curious about Joe's nature. Although he sounds like an idiot, his questions are actually helpful. Then again no one really knows what the virus is capable of, this proves that there is no such thing as a stupid question. He sits next to Evelyn as he awaits for anyone to answer Joe. Lance is the first to speak. "From what I've seen their only form of mobility is walking. I've seen many zombies go into rivers and get swept away by the current. I don't know what happens to them, some of the people that use to reside here claimed that they saw them rise back up when the current was slow enough for anyone to walk through, or that they just sink at the bottom and keep on walking. I've been going to a nearby lake in this area and I've yet to see anything like that happen to me. But, I wouldn't put it past me, good questions so far." The aroma of the meat is making Marcus and Lance realize how hungry they have been, but knew it wasn't finish yet. Patiently and anxiously they rest, while Lance thinks about Scarlett's question and her introduction. "I've been here over a year, I remember it all too well when those things attacked. I was just leaving my folks place for the faire with some friends, we were taunting my neighbor since he was acting frantic like he always does, him and his family were practicing thrills in case the apocalypse happened. We didn't think anything of it, I was working with a local radio station at the time, and we were getting ready to set up our station once we arrived. For a few hours everything was going great until I heard my friend getting excited and wanted to interview this huge mob that were walking towards the entrance through the parking lot. 'These guys look great, look like a bunch of serfs!' He said over the mic, while we were live. Then I heard him asking how they are, then what are they doing, then the hollers. 'Get off me, get off me, why are you trying to bite me?' I heard the mic drop and the final screams of my friend being eaten alive. We cut broadcast immediately to see what's up, and to our horror we saw our neighbors, friends and locals attacking one of another, tearing off the flesh with their teeth, tackling them down and having the greatest feast in the world. People panicked, running to their cars, blocking each other only to make themselves sitting ducks for the zombies. Some of the people began to fight, I was one of them, we grabbed anything we could use as a weapon. Swords, spears, maces, flails, and of course lances. We equipped ourselves with the shields that were around, some had armor on, it looked like a medieval rpg battle the ultimate fantasy right?" Lance looks up at the sky and lets out a depressing sigh. "We were successful for now, but we had no idea what to do. Some left, while others stayed on the fairgrounds we decided that those who stayed will defend this area. We quickly fortified the place, it took a few months to create the trenches you saw out there. Even though we were worried about zombies, we had the situation under control. There was one thing we didn't count on was mother nature." "Winter." Marcus responds. Lance nods slowly. "This had to be one of the harshest winters for us. We huddled up, made sure we had enough wood for the fires, the only thing that the winter helped us with, was slowing down the zombies. They were practically frozen on the lakes, half of their body above the surface level. While we voyaged for food, water and warm clothes. We made our jokes at their condition, and of course killed them once again. It was a gift and curse, we realized we'll be safe from them, but also in danger of hypothermia. We had to leave the area for a bit, for the kids at least. Some went into nearby homes and kept themselves warmed, while others stayed on the grounds just to make sure it doesn't get compromised. We were at each other's throat, when food was running low, people were coming up with ideas of eating one another, becoming the things we were fighting against but worse. We managed to persuade others to not do it, it went on for this until I want to say February. When one member of the group couldn't take it anymore and bit into the chest of a toddler. He was executed immediately, and to make sure he didn't reanimate we put a bullet into his brain. We had to do the same for the toddler, the poor girl's mother couldn't bare to watch us, nor could she continue living in this world with that scar. She ended up killing herself, and again we had to make sure she didn't reanimate as well. Once spring came around, the group was down to maybe 6 of us. All of my friends and family were gone that I knew before the group. We became a new one, then like how life begins to sprout from the grounds and trees. So did the zombies, I'm the only survivor." Lance rises up from his feet and walks away, only to return with an open jug of water and cups for everyone around the fire. He takes the meat off the fire, and hands everyone an animal. "Dig in and enjoy as much water as you like from this jug."