Name: Mihama Ai Age: 18 Appearance: [url=]"Leave. I want to change and play video games."[/url] She is under five feet tall, around 4'7. Personality: Ai is... something of an oddity. Her reaction to most things in general is very understated, and often incredibly sarcastic. Even when speaking to others, she often simply looks at whatever handheld game she is playing at the time and does not look up even as she responds to them. Ai is bitingly sarcastic and often derisive of others, delivering her comments in a deadpan tone. She hates alcohol of all kinds of is very fond of fruit juice. She is awful about showing up on time for anything, even when it's something important like a high school class or something else. Her deadpan comments are often harsher when directed at girls who are taller then her. However, Ai is not incapable of kindness, and can be very nice to those close to her. It... just takes a lot of prompting. Finally, if she is playing a game and it is taken away from her to try and actually get her to focus on something else, she becomes very, very irritated. Brief Backstory: Ai was alone most of her life. Her parents were abroad much of her childhood, and so she found herself very attached to video games. While she dutifully responded to all the letters they sent home, she largely ignored all the souvenirs they sent home in favor of playing more video games. It wasn't long until her shelves in her room were filled with objects from other countries and she was totally uninterested in them, playing video games in varying forms. This habit has continued... and continued... and continued, and Ai is now very accomplished at playing video games while walking or doing just about anything. World of Origin: Earth Powers/Equipment: Ai gains two items. -Akaketsu: Akaketsu is a rather skimpy item of clothing, exposing Ai's midriff by coming down above it, with a somewhat short skirt. It is red, with gold eppaulettes and a gold scarf. Also the scarf has eyes. Also the clothing talks. Also it can transform into a skimpier form and give Ai superpowers. For Akaketsu is a kamui, an article of clothing made entirely from life fibers that transforms into an empowering form by drinking the wearer's blood. In her base state, Ai's only ability is a strong affinity for life fibers, but by wearing Akaketsu she gains an increased durability(useful for a girl of her general tininess). By drinking some of Ai's blood, Akaketsu can enter the somewhat embarrassing(thankfully Ai takes it in relative stride) active form, which barely covers her chest("She doesn't have anything to look at there though, so it's okay!" "... [i]Baka[/i]..." "Wha?"), and featuring a much less modest skirt. The Kamui's eyes also grow much larger, and the eppaulettes grow much larger as all kamui have huge shoulderpads for some reason. The tradeoff for such a... unique change of dress is that Ai becomes incredibly fast and durable, as well as vastly stronger. Akaketsu will also later gain more forms and abilities, and as a unique kamui is capable of empowering itself via the energy of powerful enemies Ai defeats while wearing it. Akaketsu also possesses a personality, and a female voice. She is very loudmouthed and prone to yelling and general hotbloodedness. She is also very eager to encourage her wearer and keep her safe. However, her encouragement sometimes takes the form of "Your chest is small, so you don't have to worry about it being exposed!", which Ai is not very approving of at all. Still, a kamui is an incredibly valuable weapon in spite of the somewhat awkward aspects of how it functions. -Needle and Thread: A thin, extremely sharp rapier-like red blade, this weapon is actually formed from hardened life fibers. This allows it to be incredibly durable and incredibly sharp, but it also contains a unique property. The life fibers can soften and harden, allowing the weapon to switch between being a whip with more reach and a sword with more cutting power. Other: Ai is far too good at driving knees into tender areas when irritated. She is also decent enough at English to hold a conversation fluidly without improper grammar.