Ty-Lee stopped in place when she heard Kaz talk back to her. The owner noticed and knew that was bad and he needed it taken care of fast. "See here young man this is Ty-Lee daughter of the Earthnation COuncal member on republic city's 4 nation council." The owner siad and Ty-Lee growled at that for she hated how they ise her father to show her power that she had over repbulic city and other places. "If you do not mind your mouth I will have you and your friends thrown out of here." The owner said to Kaz and he meant it for he was not going to let a street rat like him say rude things to his best customer. Ty-lee turned aound and face Kaz. "Shut you, man you are such a kiss up all because you want my fathers next council meeting to be here." She said to him with her hands on her hips as she glared at the owner before looking back at Kaz. "And you have a lot of nerve at standing up to me but you better be careful if I were you." Ty-Lee said to Kaz with a serious look on her face for she did hold a intiminating look to her for a lot of people did fear her because of who her father was. "You are on a loser rated team that have not really won any matches." She explained t him for it was ture the Crow Lizards wehre not that good especially at defence and then smirk a him. "Also you better not try to start any fight with other teams, because if you get in a fight outside of the pro-bending field then say bye bye to the pro-bending championship, and if you do not believe me ask your dear team mates about that rule." She siad with her arms crossed in front of her for it was true before turning he back on them. "Enjoy your stupid little victory dinner it will probably be your last." Ty-lee said and laughed as she walked off to the bar and the owner quickly followed Ty-Lee as she went to the bar to get her something to get something to drink.