Twenty years ago an event happened, This event called 'The Opening.' This event is called so because across over 500 different dimensions gates opened, allowing travel between the dimensions and worlds within them within the space of a few days. The space between dimensions is now called 'The void.' Within Two years of this event, All out war erupted between the Dimensions with each believing that it was the stronger. The only issue was that this was a war on a scale before unseen. Entire planets wiped off the galactic map. Less than a year after the start of this war a group emerged; The ISF. This group managed to engineer a peace between the warring factions. The ISF Rapidly grew, with each dimension sending its strongest and brightest to enlist, It receives the most advanced tech, and strongest warriors from all the Dimensions, each wanting to seem to be the lead 'supporter' of the ISF and thus gain its overall support. Ten years Had passed since The Opening. The ISF had become a huge organisation. Entire divisions devoted to different types of research, capable of keeping law and order across all 500 main dimensions and existing in a pocket universe of its own creation. Among these Divisions and cadre's of fighters one was starting to distinguish itself, a group called 'Excalibur.' The Present day. Twenty Years after The Opening. the Original Team Excalibur was lost 5 years ago, and a dark group calling themselves the 'Council of Shadows' is becoming apparent, less interested in the mundane everyday crimes that still exist such as drug dealing and robbery, this 'Council of Shadows' is attempting to re-incite the trans-dimensional war as it is now called. they have started gathering some of the darker forces that lingered in the lesser known dimensions, thinks that Humans would call Demons, some of the 'Dragons' as they were called, and a few other.....less natural creatures. A new Team Excalibur is being formed a team with a single job: Locate, and Eradicate the Council of Shadows. So this is kinda a mash up, I stole the basic Idea of a friend of mine (with his permission). Any creature will go (so long as it isn't a demon). The plot is that our team (Excalibur) is still newly formed and unsure of quite what the team as a whole is capable of, the idea is that we should be a fully functioning unit but are struggling to get used to working as a team, or in the new team. Over time as we get used to working as a team we get closer and closer to the council of shadows. There is more in store. but that would be spoilers!! Since there is such possibility of utter randomness in the char's and the backstories I'd prefer if people explained their races (if utterly original). so that I can compile a list. The ISF (while voluntary) only takes the best of the best. so no rejects or cheese dongs. Now I hate rules but just to stop things going horibly wrong; 1) No godmod, powerplay, metagame, candle jack ect. 2) No demons (they constitute some of the badguys) 3) Explain your Powers to some degree 4) Please keep rage to a minimum and do as the GM/Co-GM asks 5) put 'Once more, unto the breach' in to your cs/first post to make sure you've read this 6) Magic, Tech, Magi-tech, Alchemy. basicly anything you can think of is allowed. however OC's only, I don't want a Natsu or luffy running round. (use of Non OC images is fine) 7)Hybrids are Fine. CS structure; I am going to leave this pretty freeform however If you intend to reserve a spot, give us a name and gender atleast. A minimum requirement would be; Name; Age; (Terran years) Gender; Race; Breif race description; (one, two lines) History; Personality; Powers; Appearance; You can add anything you like such as a weapon list, a full racial history if you want me to add it to the front post. or even a fighter craft/space shuttle if they happen to have one. Ranks will be given out as we run through, though the ranking system is squad based (IE a Private in the Excalibur squad will outrank the Commanding officer of a lesser ranked squad).