Name: Avaline “Ava” White Gender: Female Occupation: Flapper and Bar Waitress by day, spy for the family by night. Age: Twenty Two Appearance: [hider=Picture][img][/img][/hider] Ava weighs in at 135 pounds, most of which is lean muscle, and is considered on the short end for women, at 5'2. She has a bust-to-waist ratio she can't complain about, one that compliments her height and weight well. Her complexion could be described as rather light, and extremely freckled. She has freckles all along her cheekbones, nose, shoulders, back, arms, legs, everywhere. Her hair is brown and, keeping with the current styles, is very short. She had wide, green, eyes that often give off an innocent or naive appearance. Ava prides herself in often getting in trouble with the law for wearing 'improper' outfits. Biography: Born to a poor family, Ava learned very quickly never to waste anything. Her mother was a Flapper, often teaching a young Ava and her sisters dance moves in her spare time. Her father, on the other hand, was involved with some sort of drug business. Ava never knew entirely, as her mother advised her to keep away from him and not to ask questions. Ava quickly grew up into a Flapper, following in her dear mothers footsteps. She worked hard for what little money she could be given, often also working as a waitress to try and bring in more money. She lived alone for a while, before she was blessed with a baby. An orphaned baby, a very small girl swaddled in cloth. Her first idea was to bring it into the police. She was barely able to feed herself no less a baby, but soon it became clear to her that this was her duty. She would have to raise the child as her own. Thus, she began borrowing money from the Family, as well as carrying out jobs for them as intel to try and make more money. Ava found it almost too easy to get information out of people. All it took was a fluttering eyelash and the alcohol. Personality: Ava is one of those people with a complete "can do" attitude. She tries her hardest in everything she does, as a way to redeem herself or some sad back story sh*t like that, and tries her hardest to keep her teammates positive too. This positivity can come off as clingy annoyance to people who don't like constant interaction. She can also come off as childish or innocent, but she is far from this. Ava has a rather complex past, one she doesn't often share with others, that shapes her into a rather complex person. Despite this, she is rather sweet and tries her hardest to follow out orders to her best ability. Many people assume she is rather weak because of her shortness, as well as her gender. All Ava can say is that waiting tables and dancing for ten years can really add up the muscles. Weapon(s) of Choice: Pistol, Knives, Brass Knuckles or a good kick to the knee.