Full name: Tallon Wulfgar Sex: Male Age: 24 Appearance: Tallon is shorter than average standing in at 5'4 and weighing in at just 120 pounds he is kind of the runt of his family, but his small frame makes it easier for him to move around and get into places others can't. His eyes are the color of winter frost, and he hasn't quite gotten in any facial hair yet, leading others to think that he isn't really a Viking at all. Clothing or armour: Tallon wears a green tunic and breaches to blend in with the foliage better, the only thing he has from his family is his fathers leather wrist guards for use with a bow and arrow. Facial features: His face almost looks like that of a child and not of a grown man, he has almost no facial hair, and leaves his hair cut short. Weapons and equipment: Bow and quiver of arrows, rope, spear, and nets both of the fishing and hunting variety, and a very crudely made fishing pole. Personality: Tallon is a little bit standoffish and not very sociable, but what he lacks in social graces he makes up for his ingenuity, and intelligence. and when he is alone he's often thinking of better ways to trap animals, or improve his hunting skills. History: Tallon grew up the middle child of five, his father was a hunter and gatherer his mother gathered the children. As Tallon grew older he was exposed to everything from how to fish, how to trap, and how to shoot a bow (though he was never really good at the last one.) as well as his duties around the house he was expected to take regular training as a member of the Militia, he officially became a trapper, when he started trapping large game for his older siblings to kill, what he didn't expect was to be called on a raid. He was put on a long boat and handed an axe and expected to fight. While out on the raid nature called, so he went in the bushes, when he came back every thing had gone to the underworld, when he asked what happened, no one could say exactly, so the raid was called off and they returned dishonored and without loot, when questioned all he could say was he didn't know. But apparently the whole group had displeased the chief who exiled the whole lot, he didn't even get to say goodbye, with the other exiles he turned away from the only home he had ever known and walked away. Combat skills: Milita experience. Other skills: Tallon exels at fishing and trapping, and he is alright at identifying plants, archery, and at using a spear. Additional info: N/a