We appreciate the input, Brovo 8). I can't say Melonhead's character didn't have it coming, but from what you're telling us, Brovo, I get the sense that you found Melonhead's actions worse than useless. It's a damn shame because prior to Chris' death, not only did I forward multiple PMs Melonhead's way, but I emphasized pointers regarding the Shadow Zone Fog, the Wolves potentially threatening Brucey or Daniel, the mutant tower, combined arms overlapping fire, the dangers of moving alone as well as listing all the major threats that could have ripped Chris to shreads; Limey you can vouch for me on this one because I sent you messages as well, outlining what I saw could potentially benefit as well as harm Southwest Sector's existing squad. Of course, Melonhead ignored me and did the exact opposite of what I advised and eventually, his character basically ate a rumbling chainsaw 8P. I don't mean to sound like a know-it-all because I'll admit; I'm not entirely well versed in infantry-tactics, but ... I [i]did[/i] try to give Melonhead my honest two-cents. In the near future, I can only pray I haven't or won't execute anything comparable to Melonhead because being stupid and alone in the Shadow Zone or wastelands without buddies, backup, or sound tactical decisions would almost gaurantee me shitting my pants. In fact, the moment I noticed that Peter was dropping into Battlezone: Downtown Chicago's Southeast Sector; [i]alone[/i]; I already almost shit my pants =_=.