[center][IMG]http://i.imgur.com/xsaMX5J.png[/IMG] [b]Siren Name: Pandora Sky Age: In Human Form, She Looks 21 (Real Age 2100) Gender: Female A Duh! Worker/Guest: Guest (But she does sing and dance, for the creatures, in the hotel parlor, occasionally, not to in slave them, her powers do not work on supernaturals...Yet). Appearance: [u]Appearance To Fool Humans[/u] [IMG]http://i.imgur.com/fYjYexd.jpg[/IMG] [u]True Appearance[/u] [IMG]http://i.imgur.com/PCiirgW.jpg[/IMG] Relationships: Only her slaves, that treat her, like their Queen, which they should. If they betray her, she will bring them to her, undersea castle, and do ungodly things to them. Personality: Fun, Free Spirited, Bitchy At Times, Flirty, Cunning, Smart, A Leader, Charming, Seductive. Pandora likes to have things her way. It's her way, or she'll throw you off the highway. Bio: Pandora, doesn't remember anything. She doesn't know how she was born, or made, or hatched even. She only knows, that she's alive to seduce men, make them her slaves, or kill them, and become Queen of all mortals, and soon all Supernaturals. Other: Well Crap, what else do you wanna know her blood type? You sick vampires. [/b][/center]