Unless there are walls in the way. Apparently those are my army's Kryptonite. When they catch a glimpse of a wall they completely forget their training and go from a respectable, capable and competent military force, to a bunch of headless chickens with no sense of direction. Seriously, it bugs me that they 'got lost' at Peking. I would have preferred almost anything else. "They got pinned down.", "Being a small force, they played a supportive role alongside the Germans.", "The Austrians eventually got through their gate, but the small force found itself overwhelmed by the sprawling city on the other side and failed to locate their objective." or hell.. even "Having encountered a lot of resistance, the small Austrian force was the last through the gates, having pushed through only after the pressure was taken off of them by other contingents on the other side of the walls." But noep. "They got lost." It sounds like they're a bunch of incompetent morons, which they most definitely aren't. I feel like whoever wrote the update read the Wikipedia page and wrote down everyone's role based on RL, but since he didn't find anything about Austria in the article, he decided to just throw Austria under the buss with a simple "They got lost." I ain't mad though. Really, I AIN'T MAD. Just sad. *cries*