“Sharon, wait…!” Liaena yelped in protest as Sharon unexpectedly rushed out ahead, leaving the safety of the Night Elf group. Squirming her way between two large purple bodies she set off determinedly after him, catching him up as he started yelling through the door to his old friend. “Lord Greymoon, can you hear me!?” “Sharon? Sharon, is that you?” [i] “Rithrynn was right. This feels really, really wrong”[/i] Looking back at the Night Elves that had clustered a safe distance from the door and were lurking in the shadows, Liaena caught Rithrynns eye and jerked her head in a barely perceptible ‘get over here’ motion. [i]“Come on. We need backup”[/i] Instead, Rithrynn’s eyes slid over towards her Captain nervously. Serphia for her part seemed entirely happy to sit exactly where she was for the time being, keeping an appropriate distance for any dangerous magic or traps that could be set off. Liaena could have cursed the wretched elf as she opened her mouth angrily. “Would you all just get over here before –“ [b] "TAKE THIS, YE LONG EARED BASTARDS!"[/b] Head whipping around, Liaena barely registered the makeshift bola with a lit grenade forming each end, fiery fuses trailing behind them as she threw herself at Sharon. The charged staff was suddenly pointed at the floor to go off like the shot from a cannon as she bodily tackled him around the middle, knocking both of them off balance to go crashing down to the floor. The grenades spun through the air, bounced once, narrowly missed the culvert in the centre of the floor….and went off. [b]BOOOOOOOOOOM[/b] Having landed on the floor in an untidy heap with Sharon and herself on top, a blast of hot air so strong it felt like a physical force smacked into Liaena, picking them up and throwing them back to smack into the brick wall with percussive force. Shards of brick flew everywhere; Liaena felt multiple sharp stabs of pain as they sliced through areas unprotected by her chainmail and she tightened her iron grip on Sharon, burying her face in his cloak. Then as quickly as it arrived the chaos stopped. Leaving only the splashes of stray bricks falling into the central stream all around them, and faint cries of surprise that, Liaena surmised, could either belong to the innocent citizens of Stormwind suddenly disturbed by a small localised earthquake, or the Night Elves. Or both.