Whee~ Will hopefully write up a more villainous character later. [*]Name: Rin[/*] [*]Age: 24[/*] [*]Appearance: [url=http://moerin-satsuki.deviantart.com/art/Lemony-Fresh-Moerin-466580123]Note: does not come with Genesis Driver.[/url][/*] [*]Personality: Hammy, hotblooded, silly and something of a perv, with a notable love of boyish girls and girlish boys. Refuses to act her age most of the time, but when she does it's usually a bad sign. She has a strong sense of justice, and is quick to jump to the defence of anyone she feels has been wronged, but other than that she's kinda lazy. Rin is kind of a nerd, especially towards anime, and [i]especially[/i] towards magical girls, super robots and men in spandex fighting rubber monsters with plastic weapons. She also enjoys cooking, reading and random bouts of philosophy. Unfortunately, she also suffers from an inferiority complex and tends to put everyone else before herself, and has a habit of apologising far too much when she believes she has done something wrong.[/*] [*]Brief Backstory: There's... Not much to say, really. An average life without anything that really stands out, honestly. Originally from Britain, she came to Isla Tranquila to get away from the stress of everyday life and somehow ended up settling down there, although she hasn't been able to settle on a steady job yet and seems to be doing something different every other week.[/*] [*]World of Origin: An insignificant blue-green planet.[/*] [*]Powers/Equipment: A [url=http://kamenrider.wikia.com/wiki/Sengoku_Driver]Sengoku Driver belt[/url] and the [url=http://img4.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20140415202626/kamenrider/images/e/e0/Gaim_LockSeed.png]Gaim Lockseed[/url], allowing her to transform into [url=http://i.imgur.com/oZfWPSw.png]Kamen Rider Gaim - Gaim Arms[/url] (which will be functionally identical to Orange Arms, really; I just prefer the shoulder pads for Gaim Arms ^^;). In addition, she also has the [url=http://img4.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20140222085655/kamenrider/images/2/23/Wopen.jpg]Double[/url] and [url=http://img2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20140222085915/kamenrider/images/4/4b/Fourze_lockseed.png]Fourze[/url] Lockseeds, allowing her to transform into [url=http://img1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20140826124410/kamenrider/images/d/d9/Gaim_W_Arms.png]Double Arms[/url] and [url=http://img1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20140421063718/kamenrider/images/d/d0/G.F.Arms.jpg]Fourze Arms[/url] respectively.[/*] [*]Other: Rin is good friends with Anno, and loves teasing her.[/*]