Hey, join my crew! Set up: A small village town is attacked by pirates who are after more than money and treasure. There is a secret in this village others will kill to obtain. It is up to our misfit crew to face these pirates and buy time until the marines arrive -- can we rise to the occasion? Requirements: - You'll need to have a good understanding of the One Piece world. - There will be no canon characters unless we do a one-off crossover for fun. Character Sheet: Name: Age: (15-20) Gender: Fighting Style: Weapon(s): (keep it realistic -- a teenager can't have a bazooka) Main Personality Trait: (Snobbish, Clumsy, Hot-Tempered, Innocent) Your character's dream: (Become; Pirate King, Greatest Swordsman, Map of the World, To find All Blue etc) Quirk: (Compulsive Liar, Goofy Ladies Man, Always Goes in the Wrong Direction, Falls asleep when characters give long exposition stories, loves money more than anything, will believe any lie told to them etc) Devil Fruits -- We all start off without devil fruits. If you decide to eat a fruit I'll choose three random fruits and you can choose which one you want. This is to stop players from building their character around a devil fruit ability. There will be chances to eat a fruit in the roleplay if your character is lucky enough to get it. The roleplay will be somewhere between Casual and High Casual. I will PM you if you are successful. In the RP we could be Pirates, Marines or Bounty Hunters.