Invisible Dagger kicked their holographic feet excitedly under the table, their image shimmering. Although the AI was there at the table, watching their fellow crew members finish their dinner, Dagger was also keeping via close eye on sensors, wary of their current location. The prospect of being the first crew to take on and defeat the ghost ship was a romantic idea, but they couldn't help but be concerned when Milos spoke of ship disappearing. It didn't seem like they were in immediate danger... However as they moved through space, drawing closer to their destination, the AI was quietly running calculations on the levels of danger that this journey presented to the crew. Dagger pulled reports of ships going missing in pursuit of the ghost ship, figured in the number of times ships were destroyed mysteriously, their crew nowhere to be found in the wreckage. The rate of survival kept going down and down and down. There were very few rumors of ships that made it back with only half of their crew, minds wiped of the experience, having no recollection of what happened or where their other crew mates had went. And most of those rumors included corrupted AIs that had lost most of their data and no longer functioned or appeared to be themselves anymore. This was not only dangerous to the human crew, but Dagger as well. The AI shifted nervously in their seat. They were completely uncomfortable with the idea. Running the numbers over and over, the AI looked for an error in the calculations but found none. The final number that was projected was a 2.9% rate of survival at the end of this journey. Looking up at their human family, the AI's image suddenly wavered, becoming staticky and blurred and a garbled sound was emitted from the speakers. It corrected itself after a moment. Was this fear? "I apologize for that; I have no idea what happened. In any case, I would appreciate your attention for a moment.... Sorry everyone, but I have just finalized some calculations that I have been running in the background and have some bad news...." The AI looked very guilty. This was game night, and although the fun might be ruined, this was very important. "If we continue on this mission, due to research and the pulling of every shred of information I could find, I have calculated our rate of survival to be less than three percent.