[quote=twelveobin] How do you bring feminism, or anti-racism or other anti-oppressive thinking, into your characters or your GMing? Note: if you don't agree with feminism etc you can just pass over this thread. I will not be engaging in debate and I don't encourage anyone else to engage either. [/quote] I love roleplay as a means to engage with these issues. You can basically create a world where social structures are flipped, or rather characters can actually [I]do[/I] something about them, which even in the most modern, realistic roleplay would be fantastical. It's also not hard to bring anti-racism, anti-oppresssion, and feminist values. Essentially these three words are just people asking for quality. That's it. My familial roots cross through American slavery and Native American genocide, and the implications have followed me through my childhood in a very blatant way, but I don't create worlds where these issues don't exist. In fact, I do my best to highlight oppression and the feeling of being second-class because I truly cannot a imagine a crueller villain than one who undervalues a people and shrugs it off as if nothing. One reason why I think this is important is the venue. From what I've seen, people here express some pretty extreme views as opposed to conversations I've heard face-to-face (obviously including those who do not abide by my perspective). I figure this is just the internet having its way and everyone being a badass behind the glowing screen. So be it. But that screen also allows us to be whatever we'd like. It means that a very white, very entitled young dude who doesn't really give a shit about the experiences of others could play a game that opens their mind to more empathetic thinking -- even if only for a moment. That opportunity is well worth the struggle. The thing is, these ideas are about equality and happiness. We're not talking about assigning a new superiority or set of characteristics to overvalue as is the case today, we're talking about evening that playing field. Really, I can't imagine a better message behind a story.