My rough CS. Catharyn, if you see anything you don't like with it (I wasn't sure how accurate it was to your vision of the RP) please tell me! Thanks! :) [hider=Miles Clarke] [b]Full Name:[/b] Miles Clarke [b]Age:[/b] 32 [b]Race:[/b] Human [b]Appearance:[/b] [img][/img] (Ignore the Coffee) Miles stands at about 5'11", and at about 170 pounds he manages to have a commanding presence despite not looking overly intimidating at first glance. His is fairly muscular, but with a slimmer physique hides it well - that is to say, he isn't scrawny, but he can blend in without attracting too much attention. He hair is a dark brown, bordering on black, and his eyes match, giving the appearance at times of being devoid of emotion. He usually keeps his facial hair trimmed to a longer stubble, and his hair kept reasonably short. He prefers to wear professional business attire (some kind of black suit and tie) around the city, though he has a dark gray duster coat for when he travels into the desert. [b]Personality:[/b] Miles, likely due to his occupation, comes across at first as cold, quiet, and businesslike. Though he doesn't enjoy it, he understands that fear is a coveted commodity in his line of work, and rarely lets his guard down while working. His work as a Mercenary has earned him a reputation as someone who gets things done, no questions asked. When he isn't working, however, he's been noted as soft spoken, charming, but again - reserved. He can handle his liquor and knows what he can and cannot talk about, especially concerning his work or his clients. Inside, there's a strand of depression eating away at him, but he covers up any external signs with an emotional mask to push anyone away. [b]History:[/b] Miles was born outside of Babylon, in one of the larger Tower-shantytowns, the son of a wealthy Sand Pirate. His father was a brutal criminal, and held some sway in town affairs. He also wanted Miles to take up the family business, which - even at the young age of six - he knew was wrong. Two years later, after being trained to fight and use weapons at the behest of his father, Miles ran away into the desert. He managed to sneak onto one of the BESC patrol ships during their sweep of the desert, and upon their return found himself in the city of Babylon. After wandering through the inner city as a poor urchin, he quickly proved to everyone that he could in fact handle himself in combat, and began to gain a reputation for it. At age eighteen, after years of working menial, under the table jobs, he had saved up enough money to buy a cheap weapon and begin working as a freelance mercenary. Within four years, he had amassed a decent fortune, and had almost completely adjusted to his life in Inner Babylon, when he received word from the desert that his hometown had been attacked by a rival gang. His family had been slaughtered, his father's business toppled, and their house razed. Despite his poor relationship with his father, the death of his family changed him. He became quiet and emotionless to the point of utter stoicism. As a Mercenary, this made him even more feared, and even years after he recovered from his loss, he adapted this approach for his professional activities. At age twenty-eight, Miles found himself working an assignment for a large shipping company. They were worried about a gang of sand pirates who had been intercepting their shipments, and sent Miles and two other freelancers to locate and eliminate them. He infiltrated the desert compound easily, dispatching the few guards, unaware that the majority were out raiding. Miles was inside locating all valuables to be split amongst the group, while the other two stood guard outside. Unbeknownst to any of them, one of the guards escaped and was able to warn the main force. They arrived early and in force, killing one of the mercenaries outright while using an explosive device to take out a portion of the compound. In the black, Miles lost a portion of his right arm, but was able to rally through the pain, defeating most of the raiders alongside the other mercenary and driving the rest out of the town. In the compound he found an Ivory-hilted rapier, formerly belonging to the gang leader, and decided to keep it for himself. Surgery was performed on his arm, where an advanced prosthetic limb was attached, courtesy of the sprawling Corporation known as Babylon Advanced Armaments. In return for the surgery and upgrade, and due to recent economic misfortunes on Miles' part which left him near broke, BAAC gave Miles the option to work off his debt by working for them as a Mercenary as needed. He accepted (he didn't have a choice in the matter anyway) and has been "working" for them since, taking other jobs independently when he wasn't needed by BAAC. [b]Occupation:[/b] Independent Contractor and Mercenary; "Sponsored" by Babylon Advanced Armaments Corporation (BAAC) [b]Weaponry:[/b] BAAC Repeating Burst Carbine - Compact laser rifle, medium range, 20 bursts (3 shots per burst) before reload Traditional Rapier - 42 inch blade, lightweight fine steel, ornate Ivory hilt, long black waist-sheathe [img=] [b]Augments:[/b] Bio-Prosthetic Right Arm (from the elbow on) : stronger, more resistant to chemicals, fire, etc. [b]Other:[/b] [i]Known Associates[/i] (Small characters that play a supporting role in Miles' story) : John Hu - Freelance Mercenary, worked with Miles on the Sand Pirates mission; the two are close friends, and often work together on jobs [i]Nothing else for now - though I may update if more information is released about vehicles present in Babylon[/i] [/hider]