#9 Evelyn opened her mouth to respond with brutal honesty but closed it after the quick realisation that lowering morale at this point would likely get them all killed. She had grown fond of Levi, in a way, but people came and people went. She was never going to see him again; the possibility of their paths crossing was almost nil. While the idea of losing him forever caused her some degree of sadness, she was certain that Scarlett would not be able to deal with her loss in the same manner. The twins had likely grown up together and evidently had a very close bond which had now been cruelly severed by a most unfortunate set of circumstances. "I..." she started uncertainly, focusing to the left of Scarlett's face as she was unable to look her in the eye. "I think our best chance will be to head to Chicago. I'm sure they managed to escape and the best bet on reuniting would be to look for them at the Black Mountain."