Human: Name: Paige Tucker Age: 21 Gender: female Appearance: 5'6", lean, muscular build. Cute young woman with blond hair and green eyes. Has four parallel scars angled across her ribs on her left side that looks like claw marks. [img=] Pass hunter?: Yes? Relationships: None Personality: Paige is a little standoffish but she is really fun loving and easy going once she gets to know someone. She has a love for rock 'n roll and drawing. Bio: Paige remembers a time when she was little when she was told of fairy tales and the monster's within them. When she was little she didn' believe them, she had a Marine Corp dad, so she always felt safe. He taught her how to protect herself with various wepons, and taught her how to fight with hand to hand combat. Paige grew up, went to art school and was attacked one night on her way back to her apartment by a creature from nightmares. When she told her dad he told her the truth about the world, and she dropped out of school to join him in his fight. However, she doesn't have a clue how she got here... Other:Well crap..... I don't know what else to put on here. Hopefully it's good enough!