[center][img=http://25.media.tumblr.com/e4386c1afe465237abd7cdd124cf0aaa/tumblr_mv1dttIIcl1rf9367o1_r1_500.png][/center] Miss Robichaux's Academy is a home for young witches. They hide in plain sight and only use their powers in the house, well at least that's what the Supreme thinks. With the history of the house, the young witches will learn all the secrets of the houses' past. The new Supreme will try her hardest to hide the past and keep the future witches at bay; but the past will always haunt them. The house, now having enough teens to create cliques, has become divided. No one is safe from the usual high school problems or the past. How will these young witches survive? {~Cliques~} Pretty Boys/Girls- this clique is the popular clique. They think they're the most amazing witches in the world and that they are a group of future Supremes. Jocks- these are the exercise junkies. They need the adrenaline rush and itch for competitions. They are also very popular. Hippies- lovers and peace-makers, their role model in the house is the reviver in the house, Misty Day. Some would say they had spent too much time in the green house, if you know what I mean. Goths- they take their black outfits way too seriously. Everything about them screams scary or dark. Either way, don't mess with them unless you want your head bitten off. Nerds- we all know these types. All they do is study powers and spells all day. They know almost everything about everyone. They just can't figure out what happened in the house before they came. Dorks- they aren't that smart, but they love dorky things like Star Wars and gaming. In fact, they usually stay in their rooms all day just to watch old, sci-fi movies and game. Drama Kids- they are the most dramatic things since Spanish Soup Operas. They are either holding the cameras or in front of them. New Kids- (only two more of these please) These are the new kids on the block. They have no clue where they go, but they're trying to find their place. {~Rules~} 1. [b]Basic rules[/b] No auto-hitting, God-Modding, etc. 2. [b]PG-16[/b] Yes, you can curse. Yes, you can do drugs; BUT please keep it at a minimum and take the sex to PMs. 3. [b]THERE CAN BE HUMANS[/b] We need a few regular people. 4. [b]POST[/b] You need to post daily. If you can't, let me know. 5. [b]GENDERS[/b] Let's keep them balanced, okay? Not too many sausages or tacos. 6. [b]Have Fun[/b] Please put "[I]I'd rather burn than boil[/I]" somewhere in your CS. 7. [b]NOT First Come, First Serve[/b] This is not a "first come, first serve" situation. If I don't like your character because they are uninteresting, I will reject them! [hider={~Characters So Far~}] Stars- 2; Alex, John Jocks- 4 Hippies- 3; Kellin Goths- 4 Nerds- 4 Dorks- 3; Winona Drama Kids- 4 New Kids- 2, (1 reserved for Savi)[/hider] {~Character Sheet~} Appearance (Real Please!) Name||Witch or Human||Gender||Age (17-19)|| Clique Personality- (NO TBR. Minimum of 3 sentences and I mean SENTENCES!) History- (Same as personality.) Power(s)- (nothing too overpowering. Maximum is 4) Weaknesses- (must have more than 1) Other [hider={~My Characters~}] [center][img=http://i1285.photobucket.com/albums/a581/Savi_Davis/Mobile%20Uploads/image_zps16d65154.jpg][/center] [center][i][b]Faeya DeSana||Witch||Female||18||New Kids[/center][/i][/b] [b][i]Personality[/i][/b] Faeya is a blunt, straight foward, sassy redhead. She doesn't hold back from saying what's on her mind and she will not let anyone bring her down. She doesn't like to be stepped on, so she will stand up for herself. She is clumsy and gets flustered by the opposite sex, but otherwise she is a tough cookie. She is kind and motherly, but stubborn as a bull. [b][i]History[/b][/i] her parents were lovely people, but behind closed doors they were anyone's worse nightmare. Her father beat her when she wouldn't do something right and her mother would verbally throw her down. She never understood why, but she promised herself to never let anyone hurt her ever again. She soon became a stobborn girl who doesn't fit in any group. The rest of her story she tends to keep hidden and will not allow others to hear her story. [b][i]Powers[/b][/i] Clairvoyance- the ability to read minds. The Sight- basically, the abiltity to see the past and future by touch. Pyrokinesis- the able to control fire via the mind. [b][i]Weaknesses[/i][/b] She is unable to control her power. Also, her emotions affect her powers. For example, when she gets angry; her pyrokinesis activates in a major way. [i][b]Other[/b][/i] She doesn't like to be touched because of her Sight WIP [img=http://i1285.photobucket.com/albums/a581/Savi_Davis/Mobile%20Uploads/image_zps647f7a77.jpg] Genivieve Carter||Witch||Female||18||Nerds Personality- She's shyer than your average know-it-all. She doesn't like to be in the spotlight much, so she answers the question fast and correctly in order to sit back down. She does have this curious case about her: she is actually very sarcastic and flirty. She has a snarkiness that comes out in a humorous way. If you listen closely to her, she's making a sarcastic comment about almost everyone in the class. She's secretly laughing at people and they think she's a meek little lamb. When someone angers her, though; she goes ballistic. She doesn't get angry easily, so people don't see her angry side. History- Gen had a pair of showy parents, the mayor and lawyer couple. Everytime they were spoken of, they'd show up. Gen disliked that quality about her parents. The reason being is that they would force her to do the same things they did. She had no choice in her future, so she shunned the effects of lime-light-lovers. Gen found out her father and mother were going to have a second child when Gen was 5. The second child, though they said nothing would change, soon became the star of the family. This created a spoiled, ungrateful sister and a soft-spoken, nerdy sister. Gen hadn't had one friend that hadn't hung out with her just to get to her sister. She wishes to be able to take in attention, but this seems too far gone with her self-esteem falling to the floor. Power(s)- Weaknesses- (must have more than 1) Other [/hider]