"Okay then, Marcus, such a shame that you are still handcuffed, but I don't think you'll have much trouble" True to be told, she preferred him that way. If he tried anything funny at least he was handicapped enough for him to have a chance to be killed, because what she could not kill she feared. But nevertheless, defeat means friendship, doesn't it? In a prison, because that's what they were supposed to be in, all inmates are potential allies until you get out. Funny enough, most of the noise and fighting seemed to have ceased and things have gotten strangely quiet, not completely quiet, but the noises of fighting seemed now distant and way less frequent than before. That could be either good or bad news for all she knew "Anyway, juggernaut Marcus, I didn't see anything like an exit on my way here and you surely didn't either or else you would have left instead of having found me, unless you had any direction in mind I suggest we keep blasting our way through until we find an exit."