Karis ran with the boy, coming to a sudden stop as he reached his truck and unlocked it. She pulled open the side door and slipped before shutting it behind herself as Karl jumped thought the closed back window to land in the rather small backyard. Karis looked down to see the tall ghost’s knees jut from the center seat, being to large of a person in life to have fit but now taking advantage of his shifting body solidity. “He is in.” She buckled in as Arch made his way in; she was ready to be gone. As he drove away she calmed her nerves and thought for a bit. “We…I need to get home.” Her mother had been ademate about coming home in any emergency…ANY. Now she wondered if her mother had been worried about this. Did she know something? “Oh and I am Karis…um Karl is in the backseat. She was unsure about admitting she saw a person he did not; her ‘gift’ had always been hidden. He could have thought her crazy…if it weren’t for the floating stick that had been bashing those things before. “Karl are you sure you want to come?” She looked into the review mirror. “Yes, I will go when you are safe.” She smiled and nodded at him, looking over at Arch and shrugging.