Mena raised a single eyebrow at the group, surprised that they all took the oath- albeit seemingly reluctantly to some- and dutifully followed the given instructions. She would have to keep an eye on the bitter brunette with the bright green eyes, though; she seemed the type to cause trouble simply due to her attitude. It would be interesting to try and keep the interactions between this odd group civil. Mena honestly wondered how these clashing personalities would be able to work as a team to defend the Moon and it's extensions. She worried they'd end up fighting each other instead... She gave Andraste a doubtful glance but the goddess simply smiled at her ward and Guardian. She turned back to the group and spoke up once more. "I will show you to your living quarters and later explain the situation to a further extent. You've all come a long way be it through death or land, and you all deserve your rest after such tiresome journeys." Mena, making sure they were all following, turned on her heel and walked right under the Moon's waterfall, the water not even phasing her as she appeared on the other side, not a droplet on her. The inside Cavern was simple, with shelves carved into the stone and a few lamps littering the place. She led the group down the first hall on the right and came across five identical rooms; a single bed with a wooden dresser next to it, lamp settled on top, and an alcove above the bed holding another, smaller lamp. The stone floors were less rough than the walls, but in no way was anything in the room fancy. They were simple spartan rooms, left to the owner to change anything if necessary. She turned to the group once more. "These are your living quarters. It is up to you five to decide who gets which room. If you wish to rest, rest. If you are restless, and have questions, come see me and the Lady Andraste in the common room." She turned on her heel and went to the end of the hall, turning to the right and following rock steps up to a room, slightly more furnished than the bedrooms, and sat down on the wide couch, next the Andraste. 600 years and the girl still could not figure out how Lady Andraste gets passed all of Mena's senses and just appears in a room. But she is a goddess, so Mena doesn't question it much. "Will anyone be coming to join us, Mena?" Andraste asked. "I believe that not all of them will confine themselves to their quarters immediately, we may have some of them coming up to the room for answers." She leaned her head against the rock wall and looked to the ceiling. She closed her eyes as Andraste pulled her head to her chest and stroked her fiery hair. In the arms of Andraste was the only time Mena allowed herself to act like a child- no- a daughter in front of the Goddess, leaning into the pure motherly touch as they waited for the Pure Souls who would follow up to the common room.