[quote=So Boerd] Honorable enough to kill a decrepit man in a sneak attack? [/quote] So Boerd, again you fail to read what I type. Solterra had no information on Lord Coles vassals. Solterra has no information on the mans tactics, peoples identities, soldier numbers, anything. Solterra doesn't think it is his business. So yes, honorable, in the way you use it. Edit: Also, if it's a threat to attack Solterra, don't send it. He won't care. This is not a political war, this is not a war for the crown, this is a war to protect his people and rescue his Sister. In fact, there would be possibility to benefit from a victory from Solterra. Other than the fact you might lose a friend incharacter, who's to say Cole won't get the bright idea that you're being wrong and betrays you too? Edit 2: and it was.