That would fall under the 'niche' thing I referred to first. [quote=Magic Magnum]Obviously in an RP made around activism an outright feminist would fit in.But activism probably wouldn't be an appealing topic to most people, I can only see that facing a very niche target.A target that get's even more niche because to avoid players all wandering off on their own protests they'd all have to be focused on the same charity or cause.[/quote] It can work, but you're bound to only reach a very small portion of the Roleplay audience being interested in such a thing. As for players wandering off, that becomes an issue though if the player now either leaves the RP (You're down a player) or they are posting about entirely unrelated things... Essentially spamming/squeezing two different RP's into one. But like I said, an Activism based roleplay [u]can work[/u], it's just that it's target audience will be very small. For everyone else it will just be causing characters to halt story progression and stretch it in different directions. [quote=Kestrel]Judging from your avatar you should know all about employing censorship as a form of activism.[/quote] Yea, me making a joke with my Avatar obviously means I am an individual you would instantly know about X event... Great reasoning. For the record, I did know about that. But your process of determining that is just awful. [quote=Kestrel]Also the reason I call you a narrow-minded jerk isn't for having a different opinion. It's mostly for generalising. And the LOLFREE SUX-topic.[/quote] 1. You're now carrying conflict across topics, that's a big no-no by forum standards. 2. That was one topic, the fact you called it a 'Trend' implies multiple cases. Which naturally suggests you are referring to this as being narrow minded. Where the only thing I've done that could (somewhat) warrant that is disagreeing with you.