Kaillan Veskara wasted no time carving a weaving path of death and blood through the enemies that attempted to rally against her and her master within the corridors of this damaged essel, each death being kindling that would further feed the excess of Slaanesh. The weaving pattern of the twin whips left no gaps, and no escape for those that could not run fast enough, the Prince saving his ammunition by using his sword to claim the few that evaded the whips as she advanced, but those were indeed few and far between, and those few were of no concern to the Dark Eldar, as those that evaded the sting of her whips were cut low by the Prince's own blade, and solved any problems they might have caused should she have been alone. Their caution was paid well, though, as they encountered another enemy entrenched position, the grenade and Kaillan's own lightning assault caught them completely off guard, her clone field kicking in and making her a nigh on impossible target to hit, for those still able to fire as the Prince began executing those who could not act, one of his pistols sounding like it overloaded and another volley forced him to fall back to recover himself. That still left the Dark Eldar Wych dancing in their numbers, each whip strike draining their nervous systems and laying them low in single, lethal blows. Each attempt to shoot, stab, or wound the Dark Eldar missed, either through the clone's actions or those of the Dark Eldar herself, becoming as a terrifying cyclone of destruction in their ranks. And with that, it was done, the Stormtroopers were all dead, any Imperials that had been manning the defenses here were equally dead. She had kept an eye on the Prince as he dueled the sole man who assaulted him with naught but a combat knife. Brave, but foolish, the Prince had far more power than the man could have ever realized, and he had indeed been cut down, leaving another death tallied up to the Prince. Of course, she was far ahead of him, but that was not surprising. The very thought of a mere human, even one as talented as the Prince, surpassing a Wych in kills was ludicrous and unlikely in many cases, only those of the fewest experience could be found in such sitautions. But that was hardly the case, for now, another fight was indeed won. It was at this point that Kaillan checked the lockers they had been pulling munitions from and found a treasure trove. Taking everything that was explosive out she began strapping grenade upon grenade to her belt. Then she saw the melta charges, quickly she looped her arms around them and strapped them to the body of a stormtrooper along with a frag grenade which she tied a strip of cloth to the pin of. Warning her master of what she was about to do she went around the corner and using the cloth pulled the pin free. The resulting explosion powerful and leaving a gaping hole where the door to the command deck had once been.