The escort shoots quickly from the cruiser headed straight for the station, all around there were pieces of another cruiser that had once belonged to the heretics that now infested the ship. The imperial navy ships drifting about nearby had made short work of it and now awaited commands to bring down the station itself. You each have a dataslate in front of you showing you a map of the floor that you will arrive on. On it secondary briefings are flowing past ‘Once the book is retrieved by no means open it. Do not remove your helmet. If possible bring the Inquisitor back if alive.” As the escort connects and the door opens you and the squad are you with disembark and head down the hall to the opening bay area. Behind you another escort docks and a squad of terminators disembark and stand steady in the hallway each carrying a heavy flamer and autocannon. The doors to the dock seal behind you and lock. As you enter the opening bay area you see that there is a green hazy fog to everything, it does not disrupt your vision, but it gives everything a eerie glow in the red emergency lights. There is no movement, but you do see that there are dead bodies all over the floor. There is a entire squad of stormtroopers killed to the man in pieces. One is stuck to the ceiling planted there by a giant power sword. Also on the ground are men and women that worked on the station in pieces or whole all of them though had one similar thing black clouds of flies buzzing over there distorted bodies that oozed with a green pus. Your systems kick in on your armor immediately filtering out any hazardous fumes that were most definitely floating through the air. All of a sudden your vox comes to life and a voice begins repeating itself “Children of a worthless god, I am Samus, I am your salvation, your death, your life.” It repeats ten times the voice rough and gurgling as if someone was speaking through a mouthful of sludge. Your battle brother gather around taking up their positions in the room the devastators moving to the front their black armor differing only by the shoulder plates that acknowledged their home chapter. At the rear the tact marines took up position all of them taking positions around the squad. A new order ran down the dataslates. “Split the squad into two battle groups and take both routes to better check the areas. Leave no area unchecked until the book is found.” It shows the squad being split into two battle groups of five marines. (The PCs are to be together with two NPC marines while five NPC marines go off on their own.) “Choose among yourself which path each battle group will take.”