[b]Liveria, Ceann and Andrea mucking about[/b] Ceann blinked, trying to get the dizziness to fade that had taken hold of her when she shadow stepped, the presence of three giant Orcs, one shouting a very loud 'Kill' command, knowing that the time for scouting was over and that point blank was not a place to be with these giant orcs with her bow she was rather thankful when she heard the angel, Gabriel. Shout out his wrath at them, whats more it gave her an opportunity to escape which she gladly took. Hoping the angel would keep their attention she went over the edge and began climbing down, feeling more comfortable shooting arrows from a distance at the tall orcs, they would make good targets with their size she wagered. Assuming she would make the climb down safely, of course... Down on the ground below Andrea was snarling as events unfolded, so her bodyguard had gotten herself in trouble but the angel was going up there... good for Ceann, bad for them on the ground as a large brute came forwards and bellowed a warcry... well... these Orcs... were not like any Free Hold orc slaves in the Underdark... for a brief moment she wondered if every part of their body was larger and firmer than their smaller Free Hold kin, but she snapped herself out of it to pay attention to the battle at hand. She witnessed one of their number, charge madly at the dual wielding orc and she snorted in contempt, if it was her wish to die so be it, if she survived she might be able to patch her pieces back together. To the others she just snarled, "Nobody else charge in like fools." She managed to utter before focusing her whole might, her whole power into weaving a spell, this was not going to be a spell about finesse or subtlety, this would be a fist of brute elemental magic. What she was aiming to do as she looked at the cliff faces on the sides of the enemy Orcs and whatever other spawn they had brought with them, was to bring forth a gale of fury from the wind in a attempt to dislodge rocks, boulders, granite anything and everything that had been gathered over the years, decades, centuries and shift it loose, making it pummel down on the orcs in that specific region. If she was successful then the orcs would experience falling debris, a rockslide right on top of them. Or at least the way cut off from any other reinforcements they might have that are as of yet unseen. She did worry for the way ahead where they needed to go but that was a problem for later, in this moment the big brute and his gaggle of minions were the immediate threat. And by the goddess she wouldn't allow herself to be taken down by some Orc!