[quote=Magic Magnum] They're lore description and halfling/gnome artwork certainly doesn't work well though... *shudders* I mean like Spoony highlighted with the Paladin, a new person just wants to know what the class is. Not 3+ paragraphs about shiny armor. I'm all for the attempt of simpler mechanics and better roleplay, but it's hard to execute in practice. And like I said before, some mechanics they did like advantages or no tiles even just wouldn't work. The former turns the entire game into a tug-of-war, and the latter just makes it not even feel like a table top as much anymore. I can see it working, but I don't see why it's not even a option.[/quote] The artwork and lore isn't outstanding, and it seems pretty narrowed down or... strangely predictable? It more or less seems to expect you in some ways to know what you're getting into or have an idea of the races involved previously. That's a failing on involving newer players certainly, but with how large and well spread fantasy is now I can't really blame them. I know what a "gnome" is going to roughly be like - same for a halfling; in fact, it looks a lot like a Hobbit so it's probably similar. Situations of that nature are more probable. As for the art? Eh, it's hit and miss honestly. Some pieces I love - like the half orc Paladin that Spoony hated so much; he looks like a certified badass, and Paladins honestly needed to be separated and cleaved away from their old "geek-in-armor-with-a-stick-into-the-nether-region-about-anything-morally-questionable" personality most play them as. For example, Oath of the Ancients is a much more savage take on the Paladin, blending the fey and wildborn Paladin ideals, and honestly, aside from the Druid and Barbarian, my favorite "class". The option to be of a different moral standing, view, and oath is basically up to the player now to the point that I might actually see someone play a Paladin at all. The intros are, again hit or miss, and I think a lot of it is that they just expect you to know by now or someone to teach you. It's better than, "Oh, you're new? You should play a Barbarian or a Fighter." and let them feel it out while giving bits here and there; at least now if something neat sparks a glance they have the potential to go with it - even if it is just fancy armor glistening in the sunlight. [quote=jasonwolf] I just finished teaching a bunch of noobs 4e for an adventure, but now 5e is claiming to be as easy to teach and having enough content for advanced. UGHHHHHHHHH [/quote] Easy to teach? Absolutely. Enough for the advanced? Eh... I'd say 3.5e is still king of that realm - to this date there are still things that get dug up from its various books (even first party still) that is new and exciting; odd rules issues, interesting mechanics combos, weird classes/feats/races, etc. That's what I enjoy 3.5e for - its sheer ability to make almost any concept realizable within its rules and material. It is more simplified than 4e barring some classes which use directly lifted 3.5e material (Paladin's Divine Grace for example) as almost all number crunching is flat out gone.