"Bets..." Hide murmured incoherently in reply to Milos, his eyes glued to the pages of a relatively old looking book. Dinner that evening had been made a bit differently than usual, but it seemed to have turned out as good as it ever had, if not better. He had made countless different things, of what everyone liked, and had a 'pick and choose' night instead of a more usually set and well-rounded meal. It happened on occasion, these pick and choose nights, but only when Hide had been studying something new rather fervently and had not gotten enough sleep. And with the dark circles under his eyes at the moment, he had definitely not gotten enough sleep recently. It really did not matter to him if he got enough sleep, though. He still had breakfast, lunch, and dinner prepared and things kept tidy as he liked them. Slowly he lifts his gaze up from his book, looking around at the others, checking to see how things were going. But his attention was drawn to the ships AI, Dagger. He noted the nervous shifting in their seat, and even as the hologram shimmered and distorted. The sound from the speakers made him cringe a bit, but that was nothing too unusual for Hide to be cringing at such noises. He then carefully closed his book and plopped it down into his lap as he listened to Dagger speak. Just from listening and the motions before, it was terribly easy to conclude that the AI was worried, nervous, or afraid. Or quite possibly all three. Having been around AI's for a long time, he had seen how similar some of them acted... but each one was different in its own way. It made it harder for him to treat them like anything less than another living being. "It will be alright, Dagger. Really, it will." Hide says in a rather calm, collected tone. He fully believed it would be alright, he trusted everyone here with his life, he had complete faith in their skills. "I've been on some ships that have survived with less of a chance than that before. Sometimes there are other factors and bits of information you do not have that cannot be added in until the adventure starts. Plus, it is game night. We can save the worry for tomorrow. Tonight, lets just drink and play games and have fun. I am placing all my bets on you this time. Anyone in the mood for a few shots? Or maybe a few bottles...?" He began to hum lightly to the sound of Tempo's music as he moved his book onto the table, leaning back in his chair as he stretches his arms into the air with a loud, slightly tired sounding groan. He did not like it when others were so worried, especially Dagger, the AI he had become rather fond of within the past thirteen years or so. And the guilty look he had spotted on the AI's hologram was enough to make Hide want to try to make him feel a bit better, at least... and what better way of doing that than getting everyone else drunk? "I'll make a few bets that I can drink all of you under the table."