Kaiser opened up his comlink to the channel that Milya was talking on and proceeded to clear his voice before speaking, "I want to make it clear that we are not to go onto the island itself. We're making room for Duel, and Calamity to land on the beach and open up headway. With them there we can clear out that island with ease. We don't want to risk destroying the mobile suits on the island as they will prove vital in proving who is really behind this. If this was a ZAFT attack truly then the suits could possibly lead us to a bread crumb trail right towards them. We can then bring in ORB to the combat zone." Kaiser exposited as he and his men proceeded to open fire with machine guns as they flew closer to the island. There came a hail of machine gun fire from armed foot soldiers, old fashioned artillery batteries, and rockets. "Damn it! Hey former engineer does that new suit of yours have anything on it that can turn the tide because if we charge in there we're fried chicken!" exclaimed Kaiser as calmly but forcefully. "Guys don't advance unless we have a go!" called Kaiser as he noticed that the nearby OMNI ships were starting to return fire on the beach heads. "Make sure those pricks don't hit the interior of the island got it!" shouted Welshman as he looked at the island with his teeth grinding up against each other. His crew did all in their power to make sure that they stayed in the air but out of firing range of the weapons on the shore. Why they were using these antique weapons were beyond him but he supposed you made do with what you had. It also would be a big flag if they were wearing heavy suits and had rifles that could be a threat to a ship like the Lucifer. "Bloody hell we're just lucky they don't want to get out of that turtle shell!" said Welshman as his helmsman informed him that the suits had launched, "Good that's one part done. Now to actually get on the blasted island." Welshman said with distaste. He hated amphibious landings with or without air or ocean support. They were always bloody affairs.