[b][u]Csilla[/u][/b] Rozalia offered up a thankful smile for Krios' advice, but inside, she was in turmoil. Darth Genitrix? She was infamous for her brutality, and along with her Apprentice... Rozalia found herself dwelling not on the mission at hand, but on her Master, Markino. Never before had she felt his lack of presence as she had now. A sickening envy filled her as she watched the young Togruta Padawan gaze up at his Master as he gave tips on what to do in the coming mission; even Krios had his old Master here with him. And Rozalia felt as though she had no-one. Tucking her legs up to her body and wrapping her arms around her knees, she thought of what he would say if he were here. Probably offer up some pointless trivia about the planet, insult the Sith, and swagger about arrogantly just to make her feel better. And then, she realized she was wrong. If Markino was here, he'd tell her to get herself together - now was not a time to feel sorry for herself. At this realization, she put all thoughts of sorrow and envy out of ehr mind, and glanced out of the window, a suddenly determined look on her face. She would not let him down. [b][u]Space over Vondark[/u][/b] The adrenaline was flowing, and Kellan was feeling [b]good[/b]. The pilots were scrambling around him as he easily leapt into his own star-fighter. Flicking various switches to power it up, he smiled as his orders came through. He essentially translated them as 'Give 'em Hell''. And oh, boy, was he good at that. "Alright boys, you heard the alien; don't let the enemy bombers through your lines. Don't worry about formation, I just want you to scramble and shoot at will out there." Kellan ordered through his comm link, getting various shouts of approval back. Some people criticized him for his lack of discipline out in the field, but that was the way he worked - and most of the time, it was effective. Especially against these Rebel idiots. Thirty seconds later, Kellan and his squadron of fighters were out of the hangar bay and in the midst of battle - debris and lasers flying everywhere, explosions occurring everywhere; he still found it eerie that he couldn't hear it, especially after watching so many vids of intergalactic space battles with over the top sound effects. "Pew, pew-pew!" He said with a chuckle as he popped off a bomber directly ahead, laughing as it incinerated in the vacuum of space. His cockpit became punctuated with laughs over the chatter of his comm channel - one ending abruptly in a scream as one of his fighters was shot down. "We lost Wilhelm." Came in another voice. Kellan shrugged. "Eh. Easy come, easy go." He muttered quietly - not wanting the rest of them to hear. They were fun, but not worth risking his life for. [b][u]Space over Mon Calamari[/u][/b] Aldo Forte was quite content at the moment. Sat at the bridge, with a cup of coffee in his hand. It wasn't quite the perfect espresso, but it was enough to keep him happy. Well, that and the recent reports he had just heard. Things were doing well on various fronts throughout the galaxy, and as the Grand Admiral of the Rebellion - this was good news indeed. Hesitant footsteps were sounded behind him, and he glanced over his shoulder, seeing a Captain with a pained expression on his face. "We've received news from the Admiral over on Vondark... it's not good news, I'm afraid." The Captain announced, and Aldo's brow furrowed slightly. "The Colossus has appeared in the battle... and things aren't going well for us." "[i]Merde[/i]... and my morning was going so well." Aldo muttered, setting down his unfinished coffee and standing up, looking out of the window. Stroking his chin thoughtfully as he looked upon the blue surface of the planet below. "Would we be able to go and aid them?" "I'm afraid it would be too late by the time we arrived... besides, I would assume that is what the enemy wants." The Captain continued. Aldo's fists clenched slightly. [i]Vallen,[/i] Aldo thought to himself bitterly. [i]He always was a tricky bastard.[/i] "Any orders, Sir?" The Captain asked after a moment of silence. "No. Just keep me updated." Aldo replied eventually with a tired sigh.