[img=http://i60.tinypic.com/dfk86a.png] [center][b]Create A Hero: Create Your Story[/b][/center] --- [center][i]GM~ Monster[/i] & [i]Co-GM~ datadogie[/i][/center] --- [center][i]Welcome to Heroes Among Us, an interactive roleplay where your choices affect not only the story, but the world around you as well. Control over the city will vary depending on the choices the characters make. Keep in mind, you will be a hero...But that doesn't necessarily exclude you from 'evil' activities. You will be given different scenarios and different options of dealing with them. You are rewarded for sticking with your character personality and alignment. The outcome of the roleplay will also depend on the choices that are made. Choose wisely.[/i][/center] [center]In Heroes Among Us, you will be playing as a member of a superhero team, ready to face any challenges ahead. It takes place in 2043, and technology has advanced into mending to it's users, allowing something akin to powers. Many people are still adjusting to this sudden change in humanity, and many won't accept the change. In this RP, you will be going along a story-line - but also user-made quests. Character development is a must, and teamwork is even better. Any situation will have multiple ways to approach it, and solve it: Your choice will not only affect you or the mission, but it will also affect the outcome of the story, and the city itself.[/center]