[quote=So Boerd] No, you're right. I should have stayed and picked fights with Russia at every opportunity just because. Then I should have badmouthed him OOC every chance I got. Your example is magnificent. [/quote] Well, I didn't say that at all, you're just twisting my words in your favor. I believe in what I say: So Boerd doesn't have the right to come back. If you want reasons on why I believe that, I will tell to you all. Boerd thinks that he can get what he wants without asking kindly. He gets upset and mad when he doesn't get what he wants and then just leaves the rp without any questions. He wanted to be Germany and Dutch (the old GM) said no, yet he gets upset and says harsh things towards him. Someone already had Germany and Boerd blew it out of the park and left the RP. Now that Dutch is leaving, Boerd wants back in and play the game again because there is a new GM in the house. That is childish and immature on the part of Boerd. Such Dutch should of told us that Ab was going to be Germany early, but that was the GM's choice. I think that we should vote on the matter and if we could vote, I'd say that Boerd shouldn't join at all. Plus bringing back the past is the only way from Boerd to find a reasonable argument. I'm done with fighting him and he should not join the RP, once you leave, you don't get to come back. [quote=Pepperm1nts] Since when? You left your own Steampunk RP because you got frustrated with the people in it, and then asked to be let back in when someone took over it.I'd be fine with letting him rejoin if the RP continues. [/quote] Well, Pepper, the only reason you want Boerd back is because you could use him to allied with and gain the lands that Austria lost. You use Boerd to become more powerful (by bringing allies) and you would like to keep like that. Plus, you might be doing or did some hidden 'treaties/agreements' with Boerd as Prussia/Germany. Again, I'm done fighting you; but, you shouldn't have joined this argument at the first place.